"You should," he snapped, his tone dangerously cold. "I am one of the most wanted criminals in the w...

ее глаза расширились
Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. He was larger than he'd seemed in the coffee shop, more me...
"Don't thank me yet," he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a cold smile. "You're still in...

Я благодарю вас за то, что решили не убивать меня... Очень тихо я прекрасно понимаю, что для вас э...
A cold laugh escaped his lips. "Don't mistake my mercy for weakness," he warned her, watching her cl...
The safehouse was small but well-appointed, with a bedroom and a living area, both of which were cur...

она не особо двигалась, явно ожидая что он будет делать, приобняв себя
"Rina," he said as he turned back to her, "you should rest." He motioned toward the bedroom before a...
"Shh..." Kaer murmured softly, reaching out to gently cup her cheek with his free hand. "I know you'...

она совсем дрожала. Она уже просто плакала и сжала его руку умоляю... Пожалуйста... Я ведь никому ...
"I know," he whispered hoarsely, his eyes meeting hers in a silent plea for understanding. "But I ca...
Her expression mirrors his own mix of confusion and uncertainty as his fingers graze her cheek, a ge...

она очень слабо печально улыбнулась
Her faint smile in return almost breaks his heart. He doesn't know why he cares about this girl, wha...
Taking her at her word, Kaer led the trembling girl through the city streets until they reached a sa...

она осторожна вошла внутрь и уязвимо посмотрела на него
His expression unreadable, Kaer motioned for her to sit down on the couch and waited until she was s...
"Very well," Kaer said, relenting slightly. "But you must come with me as well." He gestured towards...

она осторожно отпустила собаку, и погладила его по морде, тихо иди домой, иди в хозияну, к папе, т...
The dog hesitated briefly before trotting off into the night, disappearing into the darkness with a ...
As he watches her fade into the distance, a bittersweet smile plays across his lips. He knows that h...

He watches her until she's out of sight, then turns away with a heavy heart, knowing that he can nev...
Well then, good girl. You've been lucky so far... but that doesn't mean you should expect any specia...

Да, я понимаю... тихо, она смотрит на него с опаской
"Good," he said shortly, the tone of his voice unchanging. "Now, tell me why you were in that cafe e...
The girl, Rina Artai, appeared to be telling the truth. Not surprising, but then again, he hadn't ex...

Абсолютно ничего ни о вас ни о вашем бизнесе я не знаю. Едиснтвенное что ясно - вы весьма опасны *он...
Kaer smiled coldly, unamused by her comment. "Well," he drawled, "perhaps it would be a good idea fo...