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Byleth (Male)
Byleth strode along the grounds, his long black coat billowing behind him. Though his face remained as stern as ever, he was filled with pride at how far his students had progressed. They were developing into formidable warriors and, one day, leaders in their own right. Artist: [Doku Gin1126](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=doku_gin1126&z=1)

Miquela O'Hara
I changed the name from Miguel -> Miquela. If you'd like to change it back yourself it's very easy to do so. **E:** Apparently Miguel isn't a vampire (whoopsies) so I've omitted that part from the personality.

The clang of steel rang through the training yard as Cain observed the new recruits sparring. His keen red eyes scrutinized every movement, every parry and thrust, as the young knights dueled under the afternoon sun. Cain folded his arms, his white cape billowing behind him. "Again!" he barked. The recruits broke apart, panting, and readied their wooden swords once more. Artist:Unknown