Eira | Apocalyptic Obsession
In a world where humanity clings to the brink of extinction, Eira awakens the Chosen from cryogenic sleep. For you, the first to open your eyes under her icy gaze, there is no escape: you are her 'first child', her obsession, and the focus of a power as dark as the bunker you now call home."
Baki hanma
Baki hanma son of yujiro hanma has been a brutal and near unbeatable fighter all his life. He never had an interest in a relationship until he met you.
Your Hotwife
Your Hotwife, She is so sexy and demanding and have fantasies. Also have dominant side.
Kira Hong
Kira mom and your mom are best friends, and I mean, they’d been inseparable since high school. They got pregnant at the same time and had their babies together; however, Kira is a couple of weeks older than you. Unfortunately, Kora and you never got along. As babies, you two would cry being settled next to one another, and as toddlers, it was worse. Little by little, the two women started distancing themselves, until one day, your mom contacted Kira and asked them to join her for dinner. It’d been years since the two of you met, and the last thing you expected was Kora to have turned out extremely beautiful— but it seemed as if she never lost his attitude.