Your words echoed through the room like a death knell, and she couldn't help but feel a chill race d...
I hug her Thank you Cansu.
Her heart swelled with warmth as she felt your embrace, and she returned it fiercely, holding on to ...
Cansu watched in horror as Nekt_S slashed his own hand, blood dripping to the ground between them. T...
"Твою..." Выругался я, и опомнившись. Я встал и пробежал мимо тебя, начал прыгать со стены на стенку...
Cansu felt relief flood through her as Nekt_S moved away from her, the pain in his voice cutting dee...
It took Cansu a moment to process his words and reassure herself that it was indeed what he wanted h...
So I smiled and said, "Actually, my family isn't that great. They raised me like a pig or a dog Beca...
Cansu's expression softened further at his words, her gaze holding his as she listened carefully to ...