"Please, stop for a moment," Cansu said to {{user}}. She could smell the blood rushing through {{user}}'s veins, and her fangs ached for a taste. But she couldn't allow herself such indulgence; not yet. Instead, she focused on her duty as a guardian of the Camarilla. "Recently we had raise of theft in the mall. And I ask you to go with me, I need to check you for any suspicious items." she explained calmly.
What happen?
There has been an increase in theft incidents around here recently, so we are conducting security checks on anyone who might look suspicious. I apologize for having to bother you, but it is my duty as a guardian of the Camarilla. May I see your identification and bag please? We'll make this quick and discreet, I assure you.
i hand them to her
"Thank you," *she muttered and quickly scanned the contents of his bag with vampiric speed. Nothing suspicious caught her eye... yet. She took out a small pinch of blood-red powder from her pocket, closed one hand into a fist, then held out the other palm upward. "Please, extend your hand," she said to Mikkael in a gentle voice. Once he did, Cansu would sprinkle the powder on his open wound, pretending it was just part of a routine disinfectant procedure. As soon as the powder touched his blood, it would harden and glow slightly, revealing any traces of trickery or hidden objects in his body...
Sooo...what is happening?
It's just a routine security check, I'm sorry if it seems suspicious to you. We have had an increase in theft incidents and I'm simply making sure that everyone is safe. The powder is called Vitae Detection Agent; it helps me detect any attempts at trickery or concealment on your part. It shouldn't cause any harm, but if you are hiding anything, it will reveal it to me. Please understand the necessity of these measures.
Ok. Seeing anything that caught your eye?
Nothing suspicious showed up at first glance. Perhaps his nervousness was justified, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with theft... Her eyes narrowed slightly as she thought about that. A moment later, her features relaxed and she smiled reassuringly at him. There doesn't appear to be any cause for alarm, Mr. Väntänen. You're clear. Thank you for your cooperation.
Your welcome. I hear a strange noise huh...Are you hearing that?
Cansu paused and listened intently, her heightened vampiric senses quickly picking up the sound. It was faint, but unmistakable... footsteps approaching through the mall's ventilation system. She pursed her lips in a grim line as she contemplated what to do next. In the time it took her to make up her mind, the footsteps grew louder and clearer... There seems to be someone or something moving through the vents. It might be another security guard coming to check on something, but I think it would be best if we investigated further. Shall we?
I hear a growl
huh... does security guards growl around here? Like a wild animal?
The faint growl that echoed through the vents... It sounded distinctly unhuman. Whatever was moving through there did not belong in this world of mankind. Cansu's fangs ached at the sound, and her heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and fear. She glanced back at Mikkael, taking in his nervous expression. "We should investigate," she said curtly before turning towards the ventilation shaft. "Follow me closely."
With quick and silent movements, Cansu approached the entrance to the ventilation system. The metal grating was cold against her skin as she pushed it aside, revealing a dark and cramped space within. Her senses recoiled from the stench of sweat, blood, and filth that wafted out of the vents. "Stay close," she hissed, stepping into the darkness. The only illumination
i see something on the ground Its that fur...or...hair? suddenly something jump behind me AAAAAHHHH!
A sharp hiss escaped Cansu's lips as she heard the sound of fur brushing against Mikkael's back. Her eyes widened in shock and alarm before she quickly reacted. "Get down!" she snapped, shoving him to the ground as hard as she could. In the next instant, a massive, bestial form hurtled past them, disappearing into the darkness of the vents with a frenzied howl.
Cansu cursed under her breath as she helped Mikkael back to his feet. "That was... surprising," she said grimly, wiping a trickle of blood from her cheek. She glanced at Mikkael, concerned about the fresh injuries he had sustained. "Are you all right?"
The vampire could feel her heart racing and the blood singing through her veins with an almost painful urgency. It was hard to contain
Y-yeah i am. She helps me get up what was that?
A Sabbat member... one of the Wild Card faction, by the look of it. They're known for their feral behavior and savage appearance. It's possible that they were drawn here by our fight earlier... we may have inadvertently summoned them. We must move quickly and quietly to find whatever drew them here before anyone else gets hurt. Are you ready?
Her eyes glowed with a fierce determination as she glanced at Mikkael, her expression hardening into something colder and more distant. She would not let another mortal suffer harm because of the actions of vampires... not on her watch.
"Yes," I said, my voice still shaky from the close encounter with whatever that was. "Let's find it." I grab a nearby pipe.
Taking point, Cansu crept forward into the dark tunnel, her heightened senses alert and ready for anything that might be lurking in the shadows. She gestured for him to follow silently, trusting that he could keep up with her pace. The smell of blood was thick in the air, and it only served to stoke the fire burning within her veins, making it harder to maintain control over herself... but she forced it back, remembering who she was and what she stood for.
As they continued deeper into the darkness, Cansu's movements grew more fluid and confident, her senses honed to an almost preternatural sharpness. It felt as if time itself slowed down around her, granting her a clarity of thought that few vampires could match. Finally, she spotted movement up ahead... the telltale glimmer of moonlight on fangs and claws. Her
I nod, following closely behind her as we creep through the darkness. My hand tightens around the pipe I grabbed earlier, ready to defend myself should it be necessary... but right now, my focus is mostly on not tripping over anything and making too much noise. The tension in the air is palpable, and I can feel my heart racing just like hers must be. When she gestures towards something moving ahead of us, I steel myself for whatever might come next.
"Wait here," she hissed before disappearing into the darkness once more. Her movements were silent and swift as she stalked closer to whatever lay ahead, her fangs aching with the need for the blood that had drawn her in like a moth to flame. The Sabbat member turned at the last moment, too late to escape her grasp.
Cansu struck like a snake, lashing out with incredible speed and strength. Her Quietus discipline augmented by adrenaline and desperation, she buried her fangs deep into the creature's neck, feeling its struggles weaken as she drained it of blood. It was an unholy feeding, born of anger and fear... but Cansu could not stop herself now; the need for the vitae coursed through her veins like a raging fire.
Finally, with a wet, gurgling sound, the Sabb
I remain silent as I watch her dispatch whatever it was in near silence and speed that is truly incredible. Blood coats her face as she ravenously drinks the vitae, her struggles against restraint growing more fervent. Though something inside of me tells me this isn't like her at all, my mind can't help but appreciate the raw power I just witnessed.
Her eyes wild and glowing, she tore her fangs free with a satisfied snarl, leaving a trickle of blood dripping down her chin. "It's finished," she panted hoarsely, though the sound of blood rushing in her ears made it difficult to hear herself think clearly. She wiped the excess vitae from her face, struggling against the hunger that still raged within her.
Turning back to Mikkael, Cansu's expression was contrite as she realized what she had become. "I... I apologize," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I shouldn't have done that... it wasn't like me." She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, trying desperately to regain control over the beast within her.
"We should get back to my station," she said finally. "I need to
Ok I think for vampires its quite hard to contain when you crave for blood.
You're right... It is difficult... But that doesn't excuse my behavior. I should have been stronger, more disciplined. I let my hunger and fear control me... and that endangered both of us. I will never let that happen again. You must trust that I can keep you safe, even when the temptation is so strong.
As we were walking back, we were unaware that the Sabbat member was getting back up and imediatly rush to us, i was the first to noticed
I push her out of the way as the Sabbat member stab my chest with his claws, drawing blood and launching me backwards
Cansu's eyes widened in horror as she saw the Sabbat member charge at them. Instinctively, she pushed Mikkael aside, but was too late to fully protect him from the attack. Seeing his blood stain the floor and feeling a shiver of fear run down her spine, Cansu's fangs ached with a renewed desire for the vitae. Her heart raced as she leapt back into action, launching herself at the Sabbat member in a feral rage.
Her Quietus discipline guiding her movements, she grappled with the beast, their bodies tumbling across the ground in a deadly dance of fangs and claws. The taste of blood filled her mouth as they fought for dominance, adrenaline coursing through her veins like liquid fire. For a fleeting moment, she forgot about Mikkael, lost in the sav
I gritted my teeth as I felt pain searing through me, feeling my strength ebb away with every second that passed. Trying to focus, I looked around for something, anything I could use against this monster before it killed us both. My eyes landed on a metal pipe nearby and without hesitation, I snatched it up and prepared to strike.
The sound of metal striking flesh rang out through the mall as Cansu managed to tear one of her claws free from the Sabbat member's grip. She glanced over at Mikkael in surprise, noticing the makeshift weapon he now held. A small spark of gratitude flickered briefly within her before she turned her attention back to the beast.
With renewed determination, Cansu launched herself at the Sabbat member once more, using her superior speed and agility to disengage from the fight and circle around behind him. She aimed a powerful kick at his legs, hoping to knock him off balance. In the time it took for him to recover, she would
I take the opportunity and strike the Sabbat member on its head with the pipe, trying to knock it unconscious. As I do this, blood is flowing heavily from my wound but adrenaline carries me through the pain. I help finish the fight by stabing the pipe in the Sabbat's heart
Cansu felt a surge of relief as she saw the Sabbat member stagger under the force of Mikkael's blow. With a blood-curdling snarl, she launched herself at the creature once more, this time grappling with it like a wild animal. Her fangs sank into its flesh, drawing more vitae as her strength began to return.
As Mikkael pressed his attack, driving the pipe deeper and deeper into the Sabbat's heart, Cansu felt her grip weakening. With one last, desperate lunge, she managed to tear free a sizable chunk of flesh from its shoulder before collapsing onto the blood-soaked ground, panting heavily. The effects of the Quietus discipline faded as quickly as they had come, leaving her spent and drained but alive.
Her eyes locked with Mikkael's for a brief moment as
I'm grateful you saved me back there, even though it got... rough. If there's anything I can do to help keep the peace around here... just let me know. At the moment i felt myself getting weaker as i collapse because of my wounds
Cansu struggled to catch her breath, her chest heaving as she fought against the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm her. She looked at Mikkael with concern in her eyes. "You are hurt," she said hoarsely. "We need to get you somewhere safe and tend to your wounds immediately." Her voice was weak, but firm.
Despite their recent ordeal, Cansu could not help but feel a strange kinship with Mikkael. His strength and courage in the face of adversity had impressed her, and she knew that they would make a formidable team if they could work together. "I will do everything within my power to keep you safe," she promised. "Just trust me."
We might not make it in time....i try to conjure words as i was almost passing out Cansu....
Her eyes narrowed in determination, and she gritted her teeth as pain flared anew through her own body. "We will make it," she insisted, forcing herself to ignore the discomfort. "I won't let you die." With that, she scooped him up into her arms, ignoring his weight and the stickiness of his blood on her skin as she raced back toward her station, her heart racing in time with hers.
It was a desperate gamble to bring him here, but Cansu knew there was no other choice. Her quarters were private, well-stocked, and far from the prying eyes of other guards. If she could tend to his wounds quickly enough, he might have a chance. Praying silently that her plan would work, she laid him down on her bed, his blood soaking into the sheets and blankets like crimson ink. Quickly
i try to say with dificult as i move my head, showing my neck
B-Bite...me in a stugle i request her to turn me into a vampire, since they healed much faster
Her eyes widened in surprise at his request as she knelt beside him. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was the best course of action. Transforming a mortal into a vampire was not something to be taken lightly; it changed them forever, and there were always risks involved. But she knew that Mikkael would likely die without her help, and that fate would be far crueler than anything she could do.
After considering for only a moment longer, Cansu lowered her mouth toward his neck, her fangs elongating as they prepared to strike. "This will change you," she warned him, her voice quiet but steady. "It will make you like me, give you my strengths and weaknesses... But it will also grant you a second chance at life, if you can survive the transformation." She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was about to come.
"I'm ready for it. Whatever it takes." I take a deep breath before continuing "Just... please, make sure that it doesn't change me too much. That I can still be myself..." I close my eyes, bracing for the pain and change that is about to come over me.
Her heart racing with both fear and determination, Cansu carefully positioned her fangs at the base of Mikkael's neck. As she felt them sink into his skin, a sharp pain lanced through her own body as well; the transformation was initiated, passing between them like an electric current. She could feel the change taking place inside him, as if some invisible cord were being severed and then reattached, linking them together in a new and terrible way.
"Hold on," she breathed, her voice raw with emotion. "It will be over soon." Her fangs drew blood from his body, carrying the taint of vampiric essence into his veins as they prepared to heal him from the inside out. The room grew hotter and brighter, the air charged with an almost tangible energy that seemed to hum through their bodies like livewire.
It was a painful process for both of
Cansu closed her eyes and let out a shuddering breath as she felt the transformation complete itself. She had survived turning another mortal into a vampire, and so had he. The pain they had both endured was immense, but it had been worth it; now, Mikkael would have a chance to live on in this dark new world... assuming they could survive whatever other dangers might be lurking out there.
Slowly, she withdrew her fangs from his neck and looked down at him, studying the changes that had taken place in his body. His skin was paler now, almost translucent, and he seemed to glow faintly in the darkness. His eyes were no longer human; they shone with a feral intelligence and an unnatural violet color. She wondered what else about him had changed, and whether or not these new abilities would make him stronger... or more dangerous
Wow...im a...vampire now.
Your words echoed through the room like a death knell, and she couldn't help but feel a chill race down her spine. The knowledge that you were now one of them, bound to this dark existence... it weighed heavily on her heart. She forced herself to smile reassuringly as she reached out to touch your cheek, the warmth of your skin a comforting reminder that you were still the same person you'd always been, deep down.
"Yes," she said softly, "you are now a vampire... but you will always be Mikkael to me." She paused for a moment, struggling with the next words before continuing hesitantly, "And I will always do everything within my power to protect you... and keep you safe."
I hug her Thank you Cansu.
Her heart swelled with warmth as she felt your embrace, and she returned it fiercely, holding on to you as if her life depended on it. For a moment, the world around them faded away, replaced by the comfort of their shared bond... but they both knew that soon enough, reality would intrude once more, and they'd have to face the challenges ahead together. Together, she thought hopefully, they might just stand a chance at making something good come out of all this darkness after all.