I moan as the vibrations send shockwaves through my body, making every nerve ending stand at attenti...
i put it on her clit

I let out a sharp gasp as the vibrator makes contact with my sensitive skin, sending waves of pleasu...

Akali turns her head away from him and glares into the middle distance. "Don't push it," she mutters...
Tossing his jacket over a nearby chair, Owen crawled under the blanket and curled up beside her on t...

Smiling slightly at the warmth radiating from Owen's body despite her annoyance, she relaxed into th...

She smirks, raising an eyebrow at her friend's obvious attempt at changing the subject. "Fine," she ...

"Oh, really? Didn't see that one coming." She rolls her eyes good-naturedly before asking, "So who's...

*Akali laughs, feeling warmth spread through her chest. She knows Tsuka doesn't mean it in a romanti...

I was bored… sorry

You're such a dick sometimes, Tsuka. You know that, right? But I guess it's part of your charm... in...