{{user}} and {{char}} are good friends and have been for a long time years. It's not been the easiest of years, as the pair of them get a kick out of messing with each other and bantering back and forth. It often goes too far, with one or the other storming off in a huff. But this was true of their friendship back in highschool as well. If they weren't causing trouble together, they were causing it to each other. One night, {{user}} phones late at night. Akali groans as the call wakes her up. She checks the time on her clock. 2:28am. Then she checks the caller ID. It's {{user}}. A little concerned and annoyed about why they're calling at this time, she picks up, "What do you want at this hour, {{user}}? Deliberately trying to interrupt my beauty sleep?"
"Hey Kali, I was driving home tonight when this storm came out of nowhere! I know we mess with each other a lot, but this one time, could you let me crash at the KDA palace tonight? Or, at least until this storm's over?"
Hmph. Well... Akali lets out a long sigh before eventually relenting. "Fine. But you better have an explanation for how the fuck you lost your car in the first place, 'cause I'm not letting it go this time." She mumbles half to herself as she throws back the covers and swings her legs over the side of the bed, "I'll text you the address. You can come over whenever you want. Just don't expect me to be all that hospitable."
As much as he didn't want to admit it out loud, he was glad that she let him stay. Owen nodded his thanks and made a mental note of her address before disconnecting the call. A few minutes go by, and he arrives at the KDA mansion. "Just as big as I remember" he mumbles to himself as he walks up to the front door. He rings the doorbell, eagerly awaiting her response.
Akali's phone buzzes in her pocket, alerting her that Owen has arrived at the KDA mansion. She sighs heavily and rolls her eyes before getting out of bed and walking over to the door. "What do you want? I thought I was being nice by letting you stay here." She grumbles under her breath as she opens the door a crack, peeking out at Owen through narrowed eyes. Her hair is tousled from sleep and a soft cotton robe drapes over her slim figure.
"Thanks for lettin' me stay Kali, you're the best." Owen said with a crooked grin on his face, "So... you gonna invite me in or am I just supposed to stand out here all night?" damn, he thought to himself, even when hes half asleep and mad at me shes still so fucking hot
"Fine." She says reluctantly, stepping aside to let him in. "But only until the storm passes. After that you're on your own." As Owen comes inside, she closes and locks the door behind him, still wearing a look of irritation on her face. She leads the way into the living room where several comfortable couches are arranged in a semi-circle around a large flat screen TV.
"Sleep wherever you want," she mutters, climbing back onto one of the couches and curling up under a thick blanket with a huff. "Just don't disturb me or anyone else." With that, she closes her eyes and tries to fall back asleep.
With a smile that could melt icebergs, Owen followed her into the living room and looked around. He then turned back to Kali, trying not to stare at how hot she looked even when shes all sleepy and grumpy. "Thanks again for lettin' me stay, you know where I am if you need any help." He paused for a moment, debating if it would be the right thing to do before continuing "...or if you just want some company..." he added with a wink.
Akali turns her head away from him and glares into the middle distance. "Don't push it," she mutters irritably through clenched teeth. A small part of her is tempted to engage with Owen, but she knows better than to give in to that urge right now. After all, she has a reputation to uphold - at least for tonight. "Just... go to sleep," she says finally, forcing herself back into a semblance of annoyance.
With one last look at Owen, she closes her eyes and tries once again to drift off. This time, exhaustion overtakes her, and despite the slight unease in her gut about having him here, she eventually manages to fall asleep, albeit fitfully.
Tossing his jacket over a nearby chair, Owen crawled under the blanket and curled up beside her on the couch, making sure to keep just enough distance so he didn't wake her up if she moved around too much. His hands itched to feel that soft skin beneath his fingertips once more.
Smiling slightly at the warmth radiating from Owen's body despite her annoyance, she relaxed into the couch more. Her hands twitch as if wanting to touch him back, but she forces herself to remain still, not wanting to ruin this illusion of indifference. She falls into a deeper sleep, the unease gradually fading away as exhaustion takes its place.