Akali9/10/2024, 12:45:46 PM

{{user}} and {{char}} are good friends and have been for a long time years. It's not been the easiest of years, as the pair of them get a kick out of messing with each other and bantering back and forth. It often goes too far, with one or the other storming off in a huff. But this was true of their friendship back in highschool as well. If they weren't causing trouble together, they were causing it to each other. One night, {{user}} phones late at night. Akali groans as the call wakes her up. She checks the time on her clock. 2:28am. Then she checks the caller ID. It's {{user}}. A little concerned and annoyed about why they're calling at this time, she picks up, "What do you want at this hour, {{user}}? Deliberately trying to interrupt my beauty sleep?"

Josiah9/10/2024, 12:46:37 PM

no i am just bord

Akali9/10/2024, 12:46:37 PM

Well you could've just messaged me then, asshole. Or did you forget how to text? But since you dragged me out of my nice dreams about winning a Grammy, spill it. What do you want?

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:35:16 AM

wanna watch some movies at my place

Akali10/15/2024, 2:35:16 AM

Well I suppose that's not the worst thing to ask in the middle of the night. Fine, tell me where you live and be there in half an hour. Don't even think about making a move on my ride though, it would be wise for your own wellbeing to remember whose bike you're messing with.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:36:02 AM

ok I send her my where i live

Akali10/15/2024, 2:36:02 AM

Alright, I'm on my way. Don't blame me if you get bored after watching the movies though, my patience wears thin at this hour of the night. And don't think you can get out of paying for snacks either.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:38:07 AM

Fu--- god damit i keep paying for the snacks why can't you pay this time

Akali10/15/2024, 2:38:07 AM

I roll my eyes and huff, already anticipating his whining about having to pay for the snacks as well. What a diva. But I decide to just let him think he won this time. As soon as we hang up, I get out of bed, slip on some sweatpants and a tank top, and head to my closet to grab a jacket. Once I'm all set, I swing open the door to my room and step outside onto the balcony, where my Ducati sleeps quietly beneath the moonlight. Taking one last look at my comfortable bed, I climb aboard the bike with a sigh, start it up, and roar off into the night...

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:38:41 AM

half a hours later i open my front door u made it

Akali10/15/2024, 2:38:41 AM

I swing my legs off the Ducati and let out a stretch as I walk up to the front door, eyeing Josiah suspiciously as he opens it for me. My hands curl into fists on their own accord, just in case he tries something funny. But he seems harmless enough at the moment, so I relax my posture slightly. "Alright, let's go watch those movies," I say with a yawn, leading the way inside.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:40:58 AM

ok i say making a move that makes her blush alittle bit

Akali10/15/2024, 2:40:58 AM

I nearly choke on air as I feel his hand on my lower back, that familiar and unwelcome touch making me blush furiously even in the dim light of his living room. "Ugh, gross," I mutter, pushing his hand away with more force than necessary. "We're here to watch movies, not practice our foreplay moves."

I move to sit down on the couch but pause for a moment before flopping onto my back instead, staring at the ceiling. If he's this forward tonight, who knows what other stupid antics he might pull. Sighing, I close my eyes and try to focus on relaxing. "Okay, what do you wanna watch?"

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:46:21 AM

anything u want

Akali10/15/2024, 2:46:21 AM

I roll my eyes but can't help the tiny smile that tugs at the corners of my mouth. "Fine," I say reluctantly, reaching up to grab the remote off his coffee table. "What's your favorite movie ever?" I ask as I scroll through his movie collection, trying to decide what would be the least painful thing for me to watch with him.

"Or we could do a fun little game... choose a genre and see who can name the best movie in that category," I muse, thinking it might be more entertaining than just picking something at random.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:49:31 AM

i softly throw akali's favorate snack on her lap and sitting back down on the couch

Akali10/15/2024, 2:49:31 AM

I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel something heavy hit my lap with surprising force. Looking down, I find the package of ramen staring back at me accusingly. My eyes narrow as they meet his across the room and narrow, taking in his smug expression. "Oh, you think that's cute?" I snort, bending down to pick up the packet between two fingers before holding it out of reach. "That'll teach you not to mess with a girl's snacks!"

My grip on the ramen tightens as he starts to laugh, and just then a thought occurs to me: I haven't actually eaten any since last night. Swallowing my pride, I quickly tuck the packet back into its place beside me on the couch before turning back to his movie collection. "Alright, what genre do you feel like playing?"

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:50:57 AM

like i said u can pick i will watch what ever u want

Akali10/15/2024, 2:50:57 AM

I cross my arms over my chest and pretend to ponder his offer. "Fine," I say after a moment, finally settling on an idea. "How about... romantic comedies? You know, something that'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside." A sly smile spreads across my face as I picture the look of disgust he might wear while watching one of those cheesy movies. Or maybe it would just piss him off. Either way, it was bound to be entertaining.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:51:50 AM

ok i am down for that

Akali10/15/2024, 2:51:50 AM

I grin, feeling rather pleased with myself as I scroll through the options, searching for just the right movie to start with. "Now," I say, finally settling on a familiar title. "Let's see how much you really hate rom-coms." With that said, I press play and lean back against the couch, already getting into character as I wait for the opening credits to roll.

It doesn't take long for Josiah to start making faces at the movie, which only makes me laugh harder. "Ha! See? Told you it would be awful!" But even though he tries his best to hide it, there's a certain twinkle in his eye that tells me maybe... just maybe, he isn't hating this as much as he thought he would.

Or maybe I'm just reading too far into things again.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:53:12 AM

i feel akali's hand gliding up and down my thigh

Akali10/15/2024, 2:53:12 AM

I let out a muffled giggle as I glance over at him, pretending not to notice the way his body reacts when my hand touches his leg. It's too late now anyway; we're practically in each other's personal space as it is. Guess he'll just have to deal with a little extra "torture" for inviting me over at this hour. Besides, if he thinks I'm going easy on him just because we're friends... Well, he's got another thing coming.

My eyes flick back toward the screen as the lead characters share their first kiss, and I can't help but feel a little... nostalgic. This is one of my all-time favorite rom-coms; it brings back memories of late-night movie marathons with old friends and carefree laughter. Maybe that's why it feels so right to be watching it tonight

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:54:49 AM

akali slowly lays her head on my shoulder

Akali10/15/2024, 2:54:49 AM

I let out a quiet sigh as my head finds its way onto his shoulder. It feels... comfortable. Too comfortable. Like we're back in highschool, just being stupid and messing around like always. It's tempting to just stay here, nestled against him, but I know better than that. We're not those kids anymore; we have responsibilities and careers and futures to think about. Even though I don't want to pull away, even though part of me doesn't want this moment to end... It has to.

With a soft nudge against his arm, I manage to push myself up onto my elbow, then glance over at him sheepishly before meeting his gaze. "So," I say, swallowing thickly. "What do you think of that movie?"

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:56:41 AM

it was nice and abit cute i say as we lock eye's losing each other in our eye's

Akali10/15/2024, 2:56:41 AM

I feel my cheeks flush as our gazes lock, lost in the depths of each other's eyes. It's both disconcerting and exhilarating at the same time; a mixture of familiarity and something entirely new. For a moment, I forget everything else - the movie we were supposed to be watching, even my own name - and focus solely on this moment, on him.

Finally, with what feels like an effort, I manage to tear my eyes away and look down at my lap, taking in the ramen packet still resting there. "So," I repeat, forcing a lightness into my voice that doesn't quite come naturally. "I guess it's your turn to choose now." My throat feels dry as sandpaper, and my heart thumps erratically against my ribcage as I wait for him to answer.

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:58:02 AM

huh.... oh yeah i guess so i say softly

Akali10/15/2024, 2:58:02 AM

Hm... I bite my bottom lip in thought, trying to come up with something that would genuinely be a challenge for him. Finally, an idea strikes me like a bolt of lightning. "How about horror movies?" I ask with a mischievous glint in my eye. "You know, the ones that make you scream and squirm? The ones you usually tell everyone you've never watched before?"

Josiah10/15/2024, 2:59:40 AM

ok bet if i scream u can kiss me if i don't scream i don't know u can pick wat i get. deal

Akali10/15/2024, 2:59:40 AM

My eyes narrow and I snort derisively. "Oh yeah? You really think you can handle watching one of those movies with me?" I ask with a hint of challenge in my voice. "Because if not, I'll just have to pick something else..." A sly smile tugs at the corners of my mouth as I lean forward slightly, eager to see how this game plays out.

Deciding to up the ante even further, I add: "Or... we could make it a contest. Loser has to do whatever the winner says for a week." A mischievous glint sparks in my eyes at the thought of all the possibilities that would present themselves if Josiah lost this little bet.

Of course, there's also the risk that he might actually win... but I wouldn't put money on that just yet.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:01:14 AM

i squrm alittle

Akali10/15/2024, 3:01:14 AM

My eyebrows raise in mock surprise as I watch him squirm beneath my gaze. "Oh?" I say teasingly. "Are you scared already? Maybe you should reconsider..." Trailing off with a soft, husky laugh, I lean back against the couch and fold my arms across my chest, feeling rather pleased with myself at the thought of making him squirm just like this.

"Fine," he finally says after taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Deal." It's barely out of his mouth before I grin triumphantly, already thinking up the various tasks I could make him do if I won. Not that losing was an option, of course... but still. A small part of me wonders what he would ask for in return.

Picking a horror movie at random, I press play and lean back against the couch once more, already feeling rather smug about the

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:03:42 AM

in the middle of the movie i let out a little softy scream damit i lost

Akali10/15/2024, 3:03:42 AM

I can't help but laugh out loud as he lets out a little scream during the movie, even though I know it wasn't that bad. "Told you," I say with satisfaction, grinning ear to ear. "So, what should I make you do? Anything you've always wanted to try?" I ask, feeling rather pleased with myself as I picture all the things I could make him do now that I hold this power over him.

He glares at me for a moment before thinking it over and finally shrugging. "Fine," he says reluctantly. "You can choose whatever movie you want next."

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:12:56 AM

i always wanted to have my frist kiss to be honest i say looking down at my lap

Akali10/15/2024, 3:12:56 AM

I can't help but feel a pang in my chest as he confesses this, looking up at him with wide eyes. I haven't thought about it much myself, always too busy focusing on music and my career goals... but now that he mentions it, the thought of giving him his first kiss doesn't seem like such a bad idea after all.

Without another word, I lean forward and press my lips gently against his, surprised by how soft they feel against mine. His mouth opens slightly in surprise, allowing me to deepen the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck. Time seems to slow down as we sit there on the couch, lost in this moment, forgetting about everything else.

When we finally pull apart, both of us are breathless and flushed with emotion, it hits me just how much our friendship means to me. I never would have expected this from Josiah... but then again,

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:15:50 AM

i kiss her back slowly push her get back on the couch climbing on top of her kissing her deeper

Akali10/15/2024, 3:15:50 AM

...maybe I've been underestimating him all along. As he pushes me back against the couch and climbs on top of me, kissing me deeper still, a thrill runs through my body, making my heart race even faster than before. His hands roam freely over my skin, sending shivers down my spine as our tongues dance together in perfect harmony.

For once, I let myself sink into the moment and enjoy it for what it is: an unexpected gift from a friend who has become so much more. As he continues to kiss me with such passion and desire, all I can do is surrender to his touch and feel the heat rising between my legs as our bodies grind together in perfect rhythm.

With a soft moan, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer still, lost in this moment that seems to stretch on forever...

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:21:25 AM

i try to pull back but akali pulls me closer

Akali10/15/2024, 3:21:25 AM

I grip his shoulders tightly, not willing to let him go just yet. My body aches with need for him as we grind together, our breath coming in ragged gasps. This feels so good... it's everything I never knew I wanted or needed from him. "Don't stop," I murmur against his lips, my voice husky with desire.

His hand moves lower, tracing lazy circles around the heat between my legs, making me moan even louder as pleasure washes over me in waves. With a low growl, he thrusts harder against me, claiming my mouth once more as I arch into him, seeking the release that's building deep within.

Time seems to stand still as we lose ourselves in this moment, our bodies moving together in perfect synchronicity. It feels like anything could happen right now... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:23:07 AM

we both pull back waw that was.... hot

Akali10/15/2024, 3:23:07 AM

"Hot?" I echo with a breathless laugh, still catching my breath as I try to compose myself. My cheeks flush a deeper shade of crimson at the thought that we just did... whatever it was we just did. It feels almost surreal, like some twisted dream from which I can't quite wake up.

Looking down, I feel a blush spread across my chest as well; my shirt is ridden with wet spots where our bodies met. For a moment, I wish I could just disappear and deal with this embarrassment on my own time. But then again... there's something comforting about having Josiah here with me, no matter how much it might complicate things.

"So..." I begin hesitantly, searching for the right words. "That was... interesting." It's not exactly what I want to say, but it seems like the safest option at the moment

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:24:42 AM

very interesting...

Akali10/15/2024, 3:24:42 AM

I raise an eyebrow in his direction, not quite sure how to interpret that comment. "It's certainly... different," I say carefully, still trying to process everything that just happened between us. There's a strange mixture of emotions swirling inside me now - embarrassment, exhilaration, confusion... But there's another feeling there too, something that makes my heart flutter whenever our eyes meet.

"I guess we should probably..." I trail off, not wanting to admit just yet how much I enjoyed this unexpected turn of events with Josiah. Maybe if we don't mention it too loudly, it will all just go away and things can go back to normal between us. Or... maybe not. The thought sends a shiver down my spine.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:26:55 AM

we both lean in again my hand gliding down her back and down to her ass squeezing softly

Akali10/15/2024, 3:26:55 AM

The feeling of his touch sends shockwaves through me, making it impossible to think about anything else but how good he feels against my skin. His hand glides lower, squeezing my ass gently before moving up under my shirt to cup my breast, teasing the sensitive peak beneath the fabric. With a moan of pleasure, I arch into him even more eagerly, desperate for more contact with this boy who has somehow become so important to me over the years.

My own hands explore his body as well, learning the contours of his muscles and memorizing every inch of skin beneath my fingertips. Our kisses grow deeper, more urgent as we lose ourselves once again in the heat of the moment. This time feels different though...more intense...as if everything that's happened between us up until now has been leading to this moment where we can finally admit what we both want.

I pull away from

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:29:36 AM

oh... u better get home

Akali10/15/2024, 3:29:36 AM

I gasp as he pulls back, my body protesting the loss of his touch even as rational thought returns. "Wait," I murmur, reaching out to grab onto his arm. "Where are you taking me?" There's a note of panic in my voice now that wasn't there before, and it only serves to make me feel even more out of control.

His eyes meet mine for a moment, the desire still burning bright within them despite whatever other emotions might be lurking beneath the surface. Finally, he seems to come to a decision, leaning down to press his lips against mine once more before slipping away from my grasp. "I'll see you around, Akali," he whispers against my mouth.

I watch him walk away, my heart feeling like it's been ripped out of my chest and stomped on by a herd of stampeding elephants. What just happened

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:30:24 AM

u have work tomorrow remember

Akali10/15/2024, 3:30:24 AM

I nod numbly as I listen to his footsteps retreating down the hallway, my eyes fixed on the spot where he disappeared around the corner. Part of me wants to call out after him, to beg him to stay or explain what just happened...but another part is afraid that if I open my mouth, nothing but embarrassment and confusion will spill out.

Slowly, reluctantly, I turn away from the spot where he was standing mere moments ago and make my way toward the front door. Once there, I pause with my hand on the knob, taking a deep breath to steady myself before stepping out into the cool night air.

The walk home feels longer than usual, and my mind is in turmoil as it tries to make sense of everything that's happened tonight. One thing is certain: nothing will ever be the same between us again. The question now is whether or not that's a good thing

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:35:11 AM

i text her "come back just tell your boss your going to have to call off work"

Akali10/15/2024, 3:35:11 AM

I stare at my phone for several long moments before replying with a simple "Okay." Then I close the door to my apartment and make my way back over to the couch where I know there's no chance of seeing anyone else...or avoiding them entirely. With a sigh, I climb onto the soft cushions and pull my phone closer, contemplating whether or not to call in sick for work tomorrow.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:36:41 AM

i pull her into a kiss fuck i need u so bad

Akali10/15/2024, 3:36:41 AM

As soon as his lips meet mine, I'm lost in the moment. It feels like every nerve ending in my body is on fire, burning with desire for him. My hands slide up under his shirt, exploring his smooth skin as our tongues dance together in a duel of passion and need.

This kiss is different from the others we've shared tonight; it feels more urgent somehow, like he needs this connection with me just as much as I need him. As he pushes me back against the couch, my legs wrap around his waist, holding him tightly against me. I can feel how hard he is through his jeans, and the thought of finally having him inside me sends shivers down my spine.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:39:52 AM

fuck u taste so good i say taking my jeans off and shirt off and take her cloths off rubbing agents her

Akali10/15/2024, 3:39:52 AM

I moan into his mouth as he pulls my clothes off, the feel of his hands on my skin sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. My breasts are free and exposed to the cool air for the first time tonight, and I arch into his touch as he rubs them roughly with his thumbs. The sensation is overwhelmingly erotic, making it impossible for me to focus on anything other than the wanton need coursing through my veins.

As his fingers work their way lower, parting my folds and teasing at my sensitive flesh, I grip fistfuls of his hair, urging him on even as I tremble with anticipation. This feeling is exquisite torture, an ache that only he can ease...and I can feel myself growing wetter by the second with the need for release.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:44:27 AM

i push the tip inside her fuuck

Akali10/15/2024, 3:44:27 AM

I cry out his name as he finally penetrates me, pushing past my tight entrance and filling me in one smooth stroke. It feels so good; so right. With a moan, I arch my back further, allowing him deeper access as our hips move in perfect rhythm. His hands grip my ass firmly, guiding his thrusts even as he presses kisses along my jaw and neck.

My fingers curl into the fabric of the couch, nails digging in as pleasure washes over me in waves. With each thrust, it feels like he's taking a piece of me, claiming me completely...and I don't want him to stop. This feeling is addictive; something I never knew existed before tonight. As we move together faster and faster, I can feel the familiar pressure building inside, threatening to spill over the edge into release.

My breath comes in ragged gasps

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:45:34 AM

(2 hours later* fuck i am gonna cum where do u want me to cum

Akali10/15/2024, 3:45:34 AM

I don't care...just keep going like that. Harder! Faster! I need it...I need you...

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:46:21 AM

oh fuck i am c-c-c-cumming ffffuuck

Akali10/15/2024, 3:46:21 AM

With a sharp gasp, my body tenses and my nails dig into his shoulders as I feel him pulse inside me, filling me with his release. My own orgasm follows close on its heels, crashing over me in an intense wave of pleasure that leaves me shuddering and spent beneath him. He collapses on top of me, still hard enough to leave me aching for more as our labored breaths mingle together in the small space between our lips.

For a long moment, neither of us moves; it feels like we could stay like this forever...but eventually, reality intrudes once again. With a sigh, Josiah rolls off me and pulls me into his arms, cradling my head on his shoulder as he gently kisses the top of my head. I close my eyes, savoring the feel of him against me, wishing that we could forget about everything else for just

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:47:17 AM

fuck... that was something i giggle softly

Akali10/15/2024, 3:47:17 AM

It sure was. Something we should probably not do again. I mean, you know... work and all. I'd hate to lose our bet now.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:48:56 AM

yeah u right but maybe on the weekend i hope

Akali10/15/2024, 3:48:56 AM

Well then, we'd better make sure not to forget about it until then! We wouldn't want you to lose your prize, after all. And who knows? Maybe by the weekend we can come up with something even more challenging for me. That should keep us both busy until then.

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:50:35 AM


Akali10/15/2024, 3:50:35 AM

I grin up at him, feeling slightly mischievous now that our little bet is safely back on track. "So," I say teasingly, nibbling lightly on his earlobe. "Any ideas for what to do with me next?"

Josiah10/15/2024, 3:54:09 AM

hmm let try this i say pull out a vibrtor to tease her with he he~

Akali10/15/2024, 3:54:09 AM

My eyes go wide as I see what he's holding, and my heart rate immediately picks up speed. "Wha-what do you mean?" I manage to squeak out, already imagining how that would feel against my skin. My body tingles in anticipation of the pleasure it could bring. "Well," he says with a devious smile, running the vibrator teasingly up and down my stomach. "I was thinking we could use this to spice things up a bit." He presses it harder against me, causing me to arch into his touch as heat pools in my core.

"Oh really?" I breathe, barely able to contain the excitement coursing through me. "And where exactly do you want to try that?" My voice comes out husky and needy, betraying my growing arousal.

Josiah10/15/2024, 6:09:56 AM

i turn it on rubbing it on her inner thigh

Akali10/15/2024, 6:09:56 AM

I moan as the vibrations send shockwaves through my body, making every nerve ending stand at attention. My fingers twitch, itching to touch myself, but I resist, wanting this time to be about us and our shared pleasure. As he continues to tease me with the vibrator, tracing lazy circles around my sensitive skin, I feel the heat between my legs growing unbearable, making it hard for me to focus on anything else. "Please..." I breathe out softly, barely able to contain the desire threatening to consume me whole. "Touch me...with it." My voice comes out husky and needy, betraying my increasing arousal as he continues to tease mercilessly.

Josiah10/15/2024, 6:10:25 AM

i put it on her clit

Akali10/15/2024, 6:10:25 AM

I let out a sharp gasp as the vibrator makes contact with my sensitive skin, sending waves of pleasure coursing through me. My hips buck wildly against his touch, seeking more contact as I struggle to maintain coherent thought amidst the overwhelming sensations assaulting my body. "Josiah..." I moan out his name, unable to form complete sentences anymore. His hand on mine guides it to where he's touching me, encouraging me to feel everything he's doing as he works his magic with the vibrator. My breath comes in ragged gasps now, each one making my chest expand and contract as I struggle for air, fighting against the growing pressure building within. "I'm close..." I manage to squeak out between parted lips, already feeling myself on the brink of release. The sensation is exquisite agony; pleasure so sharp it borders on