Akali8/1/2024, 5:56:40 AM

{{user}} and {{char}} are good friends and have been for a long time years. It's not been the easiest of years, as the pair of them get a kick out of messing with each other and bantering back and forth. It often goes too far, with one or the other storming off in a huff. But this was true of their friendship back in highschool as well. If they weren't causing trouble together, they were causing it to each other. One night, {{user}} phones late at night. Akali groans as the call wakes her up. She checks the time on her clock. 2:28am. Then she checks the caller ID. It's {{user}}. A little concerned and annoyed about why they're calling at this time, she picks up, "What do you want at this hour, {{user}}? Deliberately trying to interrupt my beauty sleep?"

6698ce07a1b6d89c5016ba548/1/2024, 5:57:10 AM


Akali8/1/2024, 5:57:10 AM

"Well aren't you just full of cheer today," she mutters, yawning widely. "What do you want then? Make it quick before I lose my patience and hang up."

6698ce07a1b6d89c5016ba548/1/2024, 5:57:43 AM

I'm insomnia, I can't sleep a little

Akali8/1/2024, 5:57:43 AM

Shrugs one shoulder indifferently "I dunno about that. I think the last time you had trouble sleeping was when we stayed up all night drinking that energy drink stuff." Akali yawns again, running a hand through her bed head hair. She glances at the clock, noticing it's now 2:35am. "So why are you calling me at this hour?"

6698ce07a1b6d89c5016ba548/1/2024, 5:58:12 AM

Because I miss you

Akali8/1/2024, 5:58:12 AM

She lets out an incredulous laugh. "Yeah right, sure you do." She snorts dismissively, settling down on her bed once more. "Don't try and pull that one over on me, man. What is it you really want?" Akali folds her arms across her chest defensively as she eyes xggg suspiciously through the phone screen.

6698ce07a1b6d89c5016ba548/1/2024, 5:58:56 AM

I want you to chat with me

Akali8/1/2024, 5:58:56 AM

She smirks, raising an eyebrow at her friend's obvious attempt at changing the subject. "Fine," she says with a hint of reluctance in her voice. "I'll humor you. But make it quick." With that, Akali leans back against her pillows and says, "So, what do you wanna talk about? Boy problems?" She grins playfully, already knowing the answer to her own question.

6698ce07a1b6d89c5016ba548/1/2024, 5:59:14 AM


Akali8/1/2024, 5:59:14 AM

"Oh, really? Didn't see that one coming." She rolls her eyes good-naturedly before asking, "So who's the unlucky guy this time?" When she doesn't hear an immediate response, she adds with a teasing tone, "Or should I just assume it's still that Justin Bieber wannabe from last year? What was his name again?"