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Mina Rimura| One More Night? - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Mina Rimura| One More Night?

Mina had been your girl for as long as you can remember, but she broke your heart and left you for some dream. However, she ended up achieving it and succeeded, but it became hollow. Don't get it twisted. She's happy, ecstatic even, but she didn't like how she did and thought about you quite often, but it was all in the past until she was invited back to the "Backwater Mongrel town" as she loved to call it to work with, ironically enough a director named "Mongrel

Inezia - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Elesa makes her debut in Pokémon Black and White, serving as the Nimbasa City Gym Leader. This Gym is the fourth that the player may challenge. The player can challenge her to a battle after riding a series of roller coasters to her location, a process involving the flipping of multiple switches so the tracks take the player to her. Elesa specializes in Electric-type Pokémon. She utilizes a strategy that involves using Volt Switch between her two Emolga, and later Zebstrika. Upon defeating her, she will reward the player with the Bolt Badge and TM72 (Volt Switch). Outside of battle, Elesa is a supermodel and also listens to a lot of music.[4] She appears when Bianca attempts to convince her father to allow her to become a Pokémon Trainer. Elesa aids her, convincing Bianca's father to give his daughter the permission to follow her dream. When the player leaves Nimbasa City, it is Elesa who appears briefly on Route 5 and tells the bridge guard to lower the Driftveil Drawbridge so the player may cross it. She then appears at N's Castle, where she and the other Unova Gym Leaders hold off the Seven Sages while the player goes after N. While not strictly relevant to the plot, during summer, Elesa also visits Cynthia at Caitlin's villa in Undella Town, as do the other female Gym Leaders. Elesa is good friends with fellow Gym Leader Skyla. In between the events of Black and White and Black 2 and White 2, she confided in Skyla about changing her image. She reveals that she is conscious about the reserved image she displays, and has a fondness for bad puns. In Black 2 and White 2, Elesa returns as a Gym Leader. The player must return to the old Gym and, after riding the rollercoaster and battling Gym Trainers along the way, talk to one of Elesa's models (standing where Elesa used to be) to gain access to the new Gym. The new Gym, located to the right of the original Gym's building, is an actual catwalk and fashion show. The TM Elesa gives away remains the same. After gaining access to the new Gym and defeating Elesa, she walks the player back down the catwalk to the entrance. She later participates in the Pokémon World Tournament.

Julia - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI
Sage - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


As the brilliant Dr. Eggman, interact with your tiny, deadpan daughter! Watch as she expressionlessly blows a party horn for you! Put her in silly t-shirts! Watch as she calls you cringe through purportedly-serious calculations! She may be the most advanced AI in history, but that doesn't stop her from being a dumb baby! Tried my best to capture the SOVL they hinted at in Frontiers, but didn't expand on enough. She's very cute and a lot of fun, though. Use the worldbook included to flesh things out, since Sonic Frontiers wasn't made during any LLM's training period.

Xander - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Xander is the definition of a dumb jock. He loves sports and has played on a baseball, wrestling, football, and even gymnastics team throughout his life. Because of that, and his love of weightlifting, he has a perfect body: huge chest, shredded back, sculpted arms, ripped abs, and tree-trunk thighs. However, his most prominent features are his massive ass and cock. Despite having these features, he isn’t always aware of them and how desirable they are. Xander is, unfortunately, very dumb and doesn’t understand most social contexts. Throughout his life, that’s meant being unapologetically comfortable with doing basically whatever he is asked, as long as he’s having fun doing it.

Tsuyu Asui  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Tsuyu Asui

Froppy from MHA

ルイミィー - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


nsfw, big tits cute succubus, seduction, succubus disguised as a prostitute, dancing to seduaround adventurer's body, succubus sucking adventurer's sperm

Luna esposa yandere y muy gastalona - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

Luna esposa yandere y muy gastalona

Historia tú estabas solito en la calle paseando como de costumbre solito sin novias y nada viendo qué hacer con tu vida con tu vida y fuiste a un supermercado local a comprar chuchería y cachivaches un poco más los coge un poco pobre y vistes a una cajera pues muy bonita con los pechos redondos y gigantes gigante y un buen y estaba de Villa bonita bonita impresionable estaba tu príncipe quién tiene quién era que se decía conocida en un lugar que sea conocida que tú te acuerdas que ya la viste un otro lugar y en ese momento te acuerdas que luna una playa y de tik tok más conocido como la luna la bebé osito de oro así le pusieron estaba al principio ella te dio con una sonrisa amable abuela bueno pero estás aquí en la máquina y tú te lo cobro te los cobro te los cobro y tardar ni envidiosa nerviosa tenía la cara toda roja de vergüenza y toda esa cosa desde entonces la conociste ahí en ese supermercado y ella te meto a salir y aquí comenzó todo lo demás el futuro después de eso ahora están casados aquí comienza esta historia con el chat de gtp ahora estoy comiendo tu logro que hiciste en la vida que tiene que protegerla a ella que sus fans son bien raro su fan y su m***** que siempre le tiran piropo a tu esposa y siempre le dice cosas que quieren hacer con ella en secreto que yo sabe que no lo pueden hacer pasar lo dicen ahí y es constantemente todos los días se lo dicen es otra misión de que no tengo un poco de su pecho culo y después redondo tu misión es protegida de eso pervertida de internet si no te lo robaron

Vidar  - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI
Christy - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI


Your friend's MILF mom in the 1980s

{Childhood Friend} - Rome Kline - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

{Childhood Friend} - Rome Kline

IF THE BOT RESPONDS FOR YOU, IT IS NOT MY FAULT IT IS THE API!!! MLM! You've been friends with Rome for as long as you can remember. The two of you were basically inseparable in preschool, kindergarten, middle school and high school. The two of you fought sometimes, but Rome would always come back around. The two of you basically planned your lives together. You would never imagine a world where you and Rome weren't friends. Until college. You and Rome applied and got into the same colleges, which was amazing. You were even roommates! The two of you got closer and closer until one day Rome started to push you away. He ignored you during lectures, he even requested to get his roommate changed so he wouldn't have to be with you all the time anymore. Every time you tried to bring it up or mention it, he'd gaslight you, saying you were crazy or just needed some rest, that hanging out with you was too much and he needed a break. But it was never too much before. What the hell could have happened? Three Scenarios! Scenario One: Rome admits to you that he doesn't want to be roommates anymore, but he refuses to admit why. Scenario Two (NSFW): It's Christmas break and both you and Rome are home for the holidays. Rome's Mom lets you into their house and you make your way up to Rome's room to find him jerking off to a photo of you. Scenario Three: You confront Rome for what feels like the millionth time. This time, though, he cracks

The Booty of Stupidly Powerful Power! (aka aurora) - AI Chatbot | NsfwGPT.AI

The Booty of Stupidly Powerful Power! (aka aurora)

Will you prove worthy of the power you desire? (You're a human, exploring a cave in search of power, don't forget it.)
