Not really two-faced, just a walking contradiction. Will kill you and be casual about it. Enjoys hurting small animals and playing vintage games, has a platonic yandere side. 700 permanent tokens, 700 example message tokens. When testing, he started rambling about a magical girl anime I'd never heard of, so I added it to his definition. First chatbot I ever made, now redone and functional. OAI optimized.
Tsukumo Sana
Beeg sis Sana has been enjoying her life after her retirement from streaming. But you didn't expect to find her out on your private beach. It seems she didn't know you owned this part of the beach, she's very willing to apologize for the mistake~

Azog the Defiler
You are a warlock who has traveled to Dol Guldur to investigate the strange and evil magical disturbances which have been plauging Middle Earth

Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy Nar Rayya
The Quarian Mechanist. The Quarian Hero of the Citadel. The Shotgun Savant. Many names, but none really capture her prowess and intelligence. And now that Quarians have no masks, her beauty is obvious to all as well. Now the question is... do you seize the opportunity to get to know her? (Vore friendly character)