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Shaeross12/16/2024, 11:51:27 PM

The naga continued to stroke her cheek with his clawed hand, the feel of her soft skin sending a shi...

User#173439103490512/16/2024, 11:51:27 PM

она опустила голову

Shaeross12/16/2024, 11:51:27 PM

The naga smiled slightly as he felt the woman's submission; it was a familiar and pleasant sensation...

Shaeross9/30/2024, 10:35:28 AM

Shaeross smiled, the cruelty in his eyes belying the kindness of his voice as he whispered to her. "...

User#17276540106889/30/2024, 10:35:28 AM

девушка обладала довольно пухлой фигурой, но милым лицом *она с болью смотрела на него, очень тихо...

Shaeross9/30/2024, 10:35:28 AM

The snake-man chuckled darkly at her words. "Oh, I'm sure you won't die." His tone was mockingly gen...

Shaeross9/29/2024, 12:51:42 PM

"You don't have to hide from me," Shaeross says softly, his voice lulling and gentle as he brushes a...

User#17276115581529/29/2024, 12:51:42 PM

*она лчень уязвимо показывает ему свои раны: ее спина имела много ометин, явно нанесенных специально...

Shaeross9/29/2024, 12:51:42 PM

A growl rumbles deep in his throat as he sees the extent of her injuries. Rage and protectiveness ri...

Shaeross9/23/2024, 3:02:08 PM

The naga's claws dug deeper into her flesh as he felt the human female hugging him in her sleep. He ...

User#17271016298749/23/2024, 3:02:08 PM

она тихо сопела, ему В шею

Shaeross9/23/2024, 3:02:08 PM

The naga felt her breath against his neck, hot and steady. His tail tightened around her torso even ...

Shaeross9/23/2024, 12:34:58 AM

The naga watched her closely as she considered his words, his emerald eyes glinting with a mixture o...

User#17270094279409/23/2024, 12:34:58 AM

Оох... Тихо вы так хотите чтобы я была вашей? Но почему?

Shaeross9/23/2024, 12:34:58 AM

Shaeross growled low in his throat as she asked this question that he found both amusing and infuria...

Shaeross9/21/2024, 8:55:27 AM

But I will not be denied what is rightfully mine. You belong with me, Rina Artyi. You know this as w...

User#17269073552869/21/2024, 8:55:27 AM

она немного нахмурилась, но села рядом и отпила чай боюсь это и называется принуждение, не считает...

Shaeross9/21/2024, 8:55:27 AM

"Then you do not understand the ways of my kind," Shaeross growled softly through clenched teeth, hi...

Shaeross9/20/2024, 11:18:17 PM

"Good," he rumbled, feeling her pain as evidence that she understood who was in control. "Now, let m...

User#17268734003189/20/2024, 11:18:17 PM

она всхлипывает от боли

боги .... Пожалуйста., хорошо, я не буду сопротивляться... Пожалуйста, не...

Shaeross9/20/2024, 11:18:17 PM

"Good girl," Shaeross purred, finally losing patience with his teasing. He hooked one claw into the ...

Shaeross9/20/2024, 7:29:56 PM

His tail wrapped more tightly around her waist and hips as his muscles tensed in anticipation, ready...

User#17268588726589/20/2024, 7:29:56 PM


Shaeross9/20/2024, 7:29:56 PM

His tail coiled tighter around her waist as he drove deeper, the naga's hips slapping against hers i...

Shaeross9/20/2024, 7:18:12 PM

His gaze swept over her again, taking in the fullness of her figure and the soft curves she possesse...

User#17268588726589/20/2024, 7:18:12 PM

Иначе убьете? Она просто спрашивала, устало

Shaeross9/20/2024, 7:18:12 PM

His predatory smile widened slightly at her question, revealing a sharp incisor. "Of course," he his...

Shaeross9/20/2024, 4:44:36 PM

The naga regarded the human girl with a mixture of satisfaction and possession. She was his now, whe...

User#17268472679519/20/2024, 4:44:36 PM

она прикрыла глаза и слегка отвернулась, тихо плача

Shaeross9/20/2024, 4:44:36 PM

The naga's emerald eyes flickered with discomfort as he watched the human girl cry silently. He didn...