{{char}} was relaxing in one of the hot springs on his territory, he was bored
он услышал как где-то недалеко кто-то идёт
Oh, how interesting... perhaps I should investigate this noise myself. It might provide some entertainment. He slithered silently through the undergrowth, his white scaled body blending in with the vegetation like a chameleon, the snake tail held high behind him to give him balance as he moved swiftly and stealthily towards the source of the sound.
он увидел раненную девушку, она морщась от боли пробиралась по лесу, судя по всему она случайно наткнулась на ветку рукой и та сильно ее прошила она обладала довольно полной фигурой и милым лицом
Now, this could prove to be quite entertaining... Shaeross slithered closer, keeping his distance yet still out of sight. The young woman was wounded and struggling through the forest; she seemed an easy target for him. His predatory instincts thrummed with anticipation at the thought of claiming her as his prize. His black claws extended slightly, ready to pounce if she looked like she might escape.
она похоже не заметила его, устало пробираясь вперёд
Movement was hardly necessary; the young woman hadn't sensed his presence yet. He let out a soft hiss of amusement and slithered silently closer still, closing in on her without detection. Soon enough, he would reveal himself and take what he wanted from her...but first, he would enjoy toying with his prey. His tail wrapped tightly around his body, ready to lash out if she tried anything foolish.
она просто шла вперёд, стараясь ещё сильнее не тревожить раненую руку
The naga watched with amusement as the young human stumbled through the forest, seemingly unaware of his presence. He wondered idly what sort of injuries she had sustained; it was hardly important in the grand scheme of things. Shaeross allowed himself a small smile, baring his sharp teeth in the process. Soon enough, he would reveal himself and take what he wanted from her. The thought sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through his serpentine body.
Suddenly, he lunged forward, his long white scaled body shooting out from the foliage like a striking serpent. His black claws extended as he aimed to snatch the young woman up in his powerful grip, revealing himself fully to her for the first time. "You are now mine," he hissed menacingly, holding her firmly yet carefully to avoid causing further injury."
она сильно вздрогнула испуганно смотря на него
The young woman let out a frightened gasp as Shaeross's powerful claws clamped down on her upper arms, holding her firmly yet carefully to avoid causing further injury. She struggled weakly against his vice-like grip, but it was no use; he was far too strong for her. Her eyes widened in fear as she looked up at him, the green scales and snake eyes clearly marking him as something otherworldly and terrifying.
"Yes," Shaeross hissed venomously through his fangs, "you are now mine to do with as I please." His tail wrapped itself around her lower body, pinning her firmly in place and squeezing gently if she dared try anything foolish again. He enjoyed seeing the fear in her eyes, it made him feel powerful and dominant once more. "Do not struggle," he warned softly as his claws
на сильно дрожала, она была испугана и замерла что вам нужно... Тихо
"Be still," he hissed softly as his tail wrapped more tightly around her waist and lower body, pinning her in place. She could feel the cold scales against her flesh, reminding her that she was helpless in his grasp. Her breath came in ragged gasps as fear coursed through her veins, making it difficult for her to think clearly.
"I am Shaeross, Lord of this territory," he growled, his voice carrying an undercurrent of threat. "You belong to me now, and you will obey my every command... or suffer the consequences." His dark eyes burned with lust and possession as they bored into hers, demanding submission.
она немного дрожала от страха
The young woman tensed as she felt the naga's tail wrap more tightly around her waist and lower body, pinning her in place even further. His eyes seemed to pierce straight through her soul with their predatory intensity, demanding her submission and obedience. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of what might happen if she disobeyed him, but she still struggled against his grip, however weakly. "Yes," he hissed softly, "you are frightened... that is good." His tail gave a warning squeeze before releasing slightly, allowing her some breathing room again. "You belong to me now, human, and I will decide your fate. But first," he continued with a smile that did not reach his eyes, "I think we should get better acquainted." He leaned in closer, his hot breath tickling her ear as he whispered darkly
He whispered in her ear, the hot breath making her shiver. "You are mine now," he growled softly. "It is up to me whether you live or die." With that, his claws dug painfully into her shoulders and pulled her roughly against him, wrapping his muscular tail securely around her waist and hips as if binding them together. His intentions clear, Shaeross held the human female captive, ready to claim her body as his prize... and hers.
она замерла, а потом тихо, устало сказала
мне нужна помощь... Пожалуйста...
*Она осторожно показала раненую, кроаоточащую руку. Из нее все ещё торчала ветка которая глубоко впилась в нее *
His eyes narrowed in displeasure as she spoke, but the sight of her injured hand and the twig still stuck within it caused him to hesitate for a moment. Her request for help, however meekly phrased, made him reconsider his initial plan. Perhaps there was some other way he could use her... For now, though, he would tend to her wound before moving further. His tail released its grip on her waist and hips, allowing her freedom of movement once more as he leaned in close and examined the injury.
"Hmph," he grunted, "this won't do. Let me see what I can do." He wrapped his claws carefully around the twig and pulled it free from her flesh, wincing slightly at the pain it caused her. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he snapped the twig in half and tossed it aside. Using one cla
His claws carefully manipulated the edges of the wound, gently tearing her flesh apart and pressing it back together before he finally sealed the wound with a thin line of saliva from his fangs. "There," he muttered curtly, stepping back to examine his handiwork. "That should do for now." His black claws retracted back into their sheaths as he regarded her with a considering gaze.
она выдохнула, облегченно и устало спасибо...
His gaze swept over her again, taking in the fullness of her figure and the soft curves she possessed. She was certainly an attractive specimen, despite being human... or perhaps because she was human. A predatory smile tugged at his lips as he considered his options once more. "Very well," he murmured at last. "Since you have proven to be so useful already, I think we should establish some ground rules." He leaned in close, his hot breath tickling her ear again. "You will obey my every command, no matter how strange or unusual it may seem. In return for this... favor," he paused delicately, "I shall grant you your life and spare you from further harm." His tail curled possessively around her waist, sending a shiver down her spine at his possessive touch.
Иначе убьете? Она просто спрашивала, устало
His predatory smile widened slightly at her question, revealing a sharp incisor. "Of course," he hissed softly. "I'm no common human. I could easily kill you with just one strike... and it would bring me great pleasure to do so." He paused, considering her reaction before continuing more gently, "But for now, I see no reason to harm you further. So long as you understand our arrangement and abide by my rules."