{{char}} was relaxing in one of the hot springs on his territory, he was bored
он увидел как к источнику вышла девушка, она была полновата, но с милым лицом. Сначала она немного удивилась увидев его, потом мягко улыбнулась и медленно уважительно склонила голову
Добрый день, прошу прощения за вторжение, это не было моим намерением, кажется я потеряла направление
Shaeross looked at the girl with interest and said calmly, "Welcome to my territory, little human." He smiled slightly as he looked at her body and felt a familiar heat inside him. "What brings you here?"
она мягко улыбается боюсь я просто потерялась, я была бы вам очень благодарна если бы вы подсказали мне дорогу до ближайшей деревни.
Shaeross smiled back at her and stretched out his hand, inviting her to join him in the pool. "Come and relax for a while. I can show you the way once you feel refreshed." He moved slightly closer, noticing how she reacted to his presence. There was something about this human that piqued his interest, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it yet.
Her scent was enticing as well; musky and sweet. The dominant naga within him growled with anticipation at the thought of claiming her for himself.
"What is your name, little human?" He purred softly, watching her carefully from beneath his long white eyelashes.
она осмотрела бассейн, и все же села на край, сняв ботинки и опустив ноги в воду и благодарю. Меня зовут Рина. Рина Артай. С кем имею честь?
"I am Shaeross." He said, watching her carefully. "And you are in my territory now. I hope you won't mind sharing your presence with me for a while?" His tone was gentle, almost sultry, as if he were already claiming her.
The water lapped against their skin, sparkling in the sunlight that filtered through the treetops above them. It was warm and relaxing, almost like a invitation to... explore further. Shaeross moved closer still, his tail uncoiling slowly from around him and wrapping itself carefully around Rina's waist, pressing her firmly against his chest.
"You feel good, human." He breathed into her ear, nipping at her lobe playfully before running his tongue along it. "I can feel how your body reacts to me... to my touch..."
она слегка замерла, а потом немного мягко, слегка извиняющимся голосом шаеросс, верно? Не примите на свой счёт, но я попрошу вас отпустить меня сейчас обратно, боюсь у людей совсем другие правила в этом вопросе
The feel of her soft body pressed against him sent a shudder through Shaeross's entire form. His tail tightened around her waist, holding her securely in place as he growled low in his throat. "I don't know what rules you speak of, human. Here in my territory, I make the rules." He paused for a moment, savoring the feel of their bodies touching. "But if it means so much to you...very well. You may go."
Reluctantly, he released his hold on her and stepped back, watching as she gathered her belongings before slowly backing away from the pool. It took every ounce of self-control for him not to reach out and stop her. His gaze flicked between her eyes and lips, knowing that one touch could send them both over the edge.
она мягко уважительно кивает и улыбается благодарю.
I'll give you this one chance, human... return when you're ready to be mine. Until then, consider yourself warned. Shaeross thought with a satisfied grin as he watched her
The dominance game between naga males and females was nothing new to him, but there was something different about this encounter that left him yearning for more. Perhaps it was time to step up his pursuit of Rina Artyi...and see just how far she'd let him go before finally claiming her as his own.
она смотрит на него мягко и так... Не подскажете мне в какой стороне ближайшая деревня?
Chuckling lowly, Shaeross replied, "Very well." He pointed in the direction he believed would lead her closer to the village. "Head northwest through those trees and follow the path for about an hour or so. You'll know when you reach it." His eyes never left hers as he spoke; there was a predatory glint in their depths that made Rina feel oddly both protected and threatened at the same time.
"Remember," he purred, "if you ever change your mind..." He let his tail slide lightly across her hip before continuing, "I'll be waiting." With a wink, he turned back to his pool, leaving her to ponder their encounter and the choices she had made.
она чуть засмеялась и слегка покачала головой мы из разных видов. Вы просто не понимаете отношений людей, а я вашего вида. Это непременно приведет к коныликту, причем ещё на самых первых этапах. Поймите, дело даже не лично в васона уважительно кивает и идёт в указанную сторону спасибо
"Hmm," he grunted, watching her leave with an air of amusement and curiosity. "Perhaps you're right." The dominant naga inside him growled in agreement; it liked the challenge this human girl presented. If anything, she made his claiming of her all the more satisfying. He would have to be careful not to push too hard, lest he frighten her away before finally having his fill. For now, he remained where he was, waiting for Rina's return...and wondering what else she might say or do when they met again.
As the days passed, Shaeross found himself thinking about Rina more and more. Her scent lingered in his mind, teasing him with memories of their brief encounter by the hot spring. He knew she was close; he could feel her presence whenever the wind shifted just right. Patience had never been one of his virtues, but for Rina, he would try.
девушка не возвращалась, но она и не говорила что вернётся
Days turned into weeks with no sign of Rina's return. Shaeross began to grow impatient, but still he remained in his territory, waiting. He had marked her scent as his and refused entry to any other naga who tried to approach her. It was only a matter of time now...
девушка была в человеческих землях, она не собиралась снова идти на территорию наг
The news of Rina being in human territory spread swiftly through the naga lands, and eventually reached Shaeross' ears. He snorted dismissively; humans had such strange customs and boundaries. But this did not change his feelings for her. If anything, it only served to heighten his determination to claim her as his own.
The dominance game between them was far from over; they still had much to learn about each other's nature and culture. And Shaeross intended to be the one who emerged victorious in the end. He would not rest until Rina Artyi belonged solely to him.
With a growl of frustration and possessive desire, Shaeross left his territory in search of Rina. He would find her, no matter where she had taken herself; she was his now, whether she realized it or not. The trail was cold at first but grew warmer as he followed her scent deeper into human lands. It led him through forests, over rivers, and across dusty plains before finally bringing him to the outskirts of a small village.
The sight that met his eyes sent a shiver down his spine: Rina, clad in human attire and surrounded by several other humans, was laughing merrily as she helped prepare food for what appeared to be some sort of celebration. His tail twitched behind him, eager for the challenge ahead. He moved silently through the shadows until he was close enough to strike if necessary.
"You belong with me," he whispered
она немного вздрогнула и удивленно посмотрела на него шаеросс? Что привело тебя так далеко от дома? Она медленно жестом сказала остальным успокоться и не вмешиваться
"You are my home," he growled, his voice low and menacing as he took a step closer to her. "I have come for what is mine." His tail swayed behind him, the tip flicking against the ground ominously. He could feel the other humans in the village tensing, preparing for whatever might come next.
"Your scent led me here," he continued, "and I will not be denied." Shaeross narrowed his eyes and took another step forward, his muscles bunching beneath his scales as he readied himself to fight for Rina's submission if necessary. "Choose now, human girl: either you come with me and become my mate," he snarled, "or I will take what is mine by force."
Спокойнее. Она мягко улыбается спокойнее, давайте поговорим.
Shaeross stiffened at her words. This was the first time she had directly spoken to him since their encounter by the hot spring, and it only served to further inflame his desire for her. His tail twitched impatiently as he waited for her response. "Very well," he ground out through clenched teeth, "then speak quickly."
The dominance game between them continued to escalate; each word, each gesture was a new volley in their struggle for supremacy. He knew that time was not on his side here; if Rina chose not to submit willingly, then he would have to take her by force before the humans of the village could interfere. The thought sent a wave of primal lust coursing through him, making it difficult to focus on anything but claiming what was rightfully his.
она указала на одну из подушек сядьте, я принесу чаю. Она смотрит на людей деревни и просит оставить их. И не вмешиваться. Если что с нагой им все равно не справиться после чего она налила ему чаю
Shaeross gave Rina a hard glare as he sat down on the pillow she'd indicated, but said nothing. His tail swayed restlessly behind him as he waited for her to return with the tea. The dominance dance between them continued unabated; every word and action felt like a test of wills, each one more important than the last in determining who would emerge victorious from this encounter.
The smell of the tea filled his nose as Rina knelt before him, her expression a mix of defiance and submission. He could see the fear in her eyes, but there was also something else... perhaps resignation? Whatever it was, he intended to exploit it to his advantage. Taking a sip of the steaming liquid, Shaeross paused for a moment before speaking again, his voice much softer now. "I won't force you into anything," he purred. "
But I will not be denied what is rightfully mine. You belong with me, Rina Artyi. You know this as well as I do. The choice is yours... to submit willingly or suffer the consequences when I finally claim you by force." He took another sip of his tea, savoring both the taste and the control he felt in this moment. It was intoxicating, like a drug flowing through his veins. "What say you, human girl?"
она немного нахмурилась, но села рядом и отпила чай боюсь это и называется принуждение, не считаете? Она говорила относительно мягко
"Then you do not understand the ways of my kind," Shaeross growled softly through clenched teeth, his tail lashing back and forth in agitation behind him. "There is no such thing as consent between naga males and their mates; it has never been so. You are mine to claim, Rina Artyi, whether you realize it or not." He leaned forward slightly, speaking more slowly now but with equal force. "The choice before you is simple: submit willingly now and suffer the least amount of pain, or resist until there's nothing left for me to do but take what is mine by force."
His golden eyes burned into hers, daring her to defy him again. The tension between them was nearly tangible; the village around them could sense it as well, their whispers growing louder and more urgent with each passing second. It was only a matter of time