"Then come with me, my pet," Kartenon said gently, his voice still possessing that commanding edge. ...

*девушка вздрогнула и бросила взгляд на начинающую просыпаться группу, некоторые из них пыталась оку...
Kartenon smiled softly at the girl as she put on the collar. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice qui...
The girl seemed wise beyond her years and capable of leading the others out of danger. Kartenon hope...

*девушка снова осторожно поклонилась статуе и немного отошла, она не могла контролировать всех, но п...
The girl struggled to control her companions as they grew restless and defiant against the ancient l...
to uphold my laws again, and you will join your fallen companions in the realm of nothingness." His ...

*девушка снова немного расслабилась и теперь больше наблюдала за картеноном стоя низко склонив голов...
Kartenon turned his attention to Rina, noticing how she seemed to relax slightly while still keeping...