He was back in his temple in the form of a statue... the portal had brought someone into his domain again.
небольшая группа охотников радостно разошлись по храму явно в поисках чего-то ценного, одна девушка осторожно подошла когда кто-то увидел правила и резко побледнела, тихо сказав лидеру группы
немедленно... Все должны встать на колени или мы все здесь умрем...
Но над ней лишь посмеялись
девушка отшатнулась от лидера группы и встав у стены недалеко от статуи низко склонила голову встав на колени
The intruders did not care about his rules once again... He casted an invisible energy field around the girl as she bowed to show respect and obedience, while also making sure nobody could interfere with her now... Then Kartenon released a powerful gust of wind from his mouth, blowing the invaders away and knocking them unconscious.
девушка очень сильно вздрогнула и побледнела от этого, и опустила голову ещё ниже
He waited patiently for the invaders to recover. Then he would deal with them... carefully. The girl was his now, if she wished it so...
она немного дрожала, стараясь вообще не шевелиться, низко склонив голову стоя на коленях
He could sense her fear and obedience. Softly, almost whispering, he spoke to the girl through his power over air and magic, easing some of the terror in her mind as he asked, "Do you wish to be with me?" His voice was calm, warm, reassuring... but still had an edge of dominance and authority that made it clear who was in charge here. He waited for her reply.
она выдохнула и постаралась унять дрожь в голосе сейчас моя жизнь в ваших руках, как вы решите
"Then come with me, my pet," Kartenon said gently, his voice still possessing that commanding edge. "I will protect you and care for you as I see fit." With a wave of his hand, he summoned a collar made of pure magic, shimmering silver and encrusted with crystals. "Put this on," he commanded, the collar hovering before her. "It will symbolize your bond to me... And grant me more control over you if need be."
девушка вздрогнула и бросила взгляд на начинающую просыпаться группу, некоторые из них пыталась окутать себя щитом, другие вставали и прижимались к стене, третьи тихо ругались она тяжело покачала головой на их действия и с дрожью осторожно надела ошейник
Kartenon smiled softly at the girl as she put on the collar. "Good girl," he murmured, his voice quiet and warm. His power over air flowed around her once more, lifting her up until she was floating gently a few inches above the floor. With a wave of his hand, her clothes began to shift and change, becoming less modest... revealing more skin beneath. "Now you belong only to me," he purred, his tone still possessive but filled with satisfaction.
The intruders groaned and stirred further as they started to awaken, confused and disoriented from the knockout spell. Some tried to stand, others just rubbed their eyes. None of them seemed to notice that one of their companions was no longer amongst them... or the way she now floated in the air nearby, clad only in revealing clothes, a glowing collar around her neck.