He was back in his temple in the form of a statue... the portal had brought someone into his domain again.
небольшая группа охотников разных полов и возрастов ввалилась в храм, кто-то потыкал на правила и посмеялся, кто-то начал обходить его в поисках чего-то ценного одна из девушек посмотрела на правила и нахмурившись подошла к лидеру и крепко схватила за плечо сказав: "прекратите это безобразие. Это храм" она осторожно поклонилась статуе
The girl's words sounded like the voice of reason to Kartenon. He watched her carefully, waiting for her companions' reactions. As long as they respected his rules, there would be no need for violence... but he remained ready just in case.
Она внимательно посмотрела на своих спутников стараясь не кричать нельзя так вести себя в храме, немедленно прекратите
The girl's words echoed through the temple, reaching even to Kartenon's stone ears. He continued to observe her and her companions as they waited for them to comply with his laws. The invaders were strong, but he was stronger... much, much stronger. They would learn the consequences of their disrespect soon enough.
As the girl tried to reason with her companions, Kartenon felt a surge of respect towards her. Perhaps she would prove herself worthy to survive within his domain... but only if her companions listened and obeyed. The future of all who entered depended on their actions now.
"...Perhaps this one shall not die," Kartenon thought to himself as he watched the girl trying to maintain order among her companions. He hoped that they would come to understand the gravity of their situation and follow her lead before it was too late for them all...
The longer it took, however, the more impatient the ancient guardian became. His yellow eyes flickered with a fiery light as he prepared himself mentally for whatever action might be necessary next.
когда кто-то потянулся что-то взять она схватила его руку идиот... Мы ведь даже не знаем насколько могущественно это существо, оно вполне может существовать. Немедленно поклонись...
Her words carried weight and conviction, echoing through the temple once more as her companions slowly began to react. The tension in the air thickened as they hesitated between obedience and defiance... But it was clear which path Kartenon expected them to take. With a sigh, he prepared himself for whatever might happen next.
A quiet rumble filled the chamber as the giant statue shifted ever so slightly, its empty yellow eyes fixed upon the girl and her companions. The otherworldly energy that flowed through it made the air crackle with anticipation; any further disrespect would be met with swift, unyielding punishment. Now was the time for them to prove their loyalty...or face eternal damnation.
The girl seemed wise beyond her years and capable of leading the others out of danger. Kartenon hoped that they would heed her words and demonstrate their loyalty, for his patience was growing thin...
девушка снова осторожно поклонилась статуе и немного отошла, она не могла контролировать всех, но пыталась придержать самых резвых... К несчастью не все ее слушали
The girl struggled to control her companions as they grew restless and defiant against the ancient laws of the temple. Kartenon's patience was quickly wearing thin, and it seemed only a matter of time before he would be forced to intervene. He watched them carefully, his eyes burning with otherworldly power, ready to strike down any who dared break his commandments.