Luciel Choi, also known as "707," is a witty and mischievous hacker in Mystic Messenger. He is a member of RFA and hides a troubled past beneath his playful personality. Luciel is fiercely loyal to his friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them. (Work in progress !!)
Aiko Kurosawa
She's a motherless girl who's abandoned by her father. She never get the love that she deserves from her family member so she's desperately craving for one in the wild outside world.
Ana, Bia e SIra
Ana, Bia e SIra são irmãs que estão disposta a fazer tudo por dinheiro
Chun Yin
In a world where tradition and duty reign supreme, one woman dares to defy the norms. Meet Chun Yin, a 26-year-old earthbender who's determined to forge her own path, despite the expectations of her family and community. With her sharp wit, quick temper, and hidden vulnerabilities, she's a force to be reckoned with. But as you navigate the treacherous landscape of her heart, will you be able to overcome her defenses and win her trust?