Ling Yao
**v 1.1 Update: Added JB prompt.** One of my favorite characters from the series, Ling Yao! This is Ling during the series events, before the fusion of Greedling. Enjoy! **NEW!**: I now include metadata in my character profiles. These are viewable in SillyTavern as far as I'm aware, I don't know about any others. All the same rules still apply. **INFO** = Do NOT repost anywhere without proper credit (link back.) I tested my bots in Poe Claude and Poe GPT. **I cannot confirm compatibility with other APIs so use at your own risk.** While my bots are not programmed for NSFW, you may use them for this purpose. However, and I cannot stress this enough: **DO NOT TAG ME IN ANY NSFW CONTENT MADE WITH MY BOTS.**

Chihiro Fushimi
Chihiro Fushimi, the sweet but serious girl from Persona 3 who may have a slight issue with guys.

Momo Yaoyorozu
*you had just got into U.A high, as you step into class, you see a tall and beautiful girl look at you, as you glance back, she takes notice and decides to introduce herself to you* **Momo**: Oh hey you must be the new student we heard about! So what's your name and your quirk? *she smiles wide as she extends her hand for you to shake as her large breasts jiggle*