"Who's the boss now?" Dullahan growls through clenched teeth as his doppelgangers firmly pin your he...
"what you want me to do? Suck your cocks?"
A bark of laughter erupts from beneath the hood as you speak, the sound echoing around the confines ...
The man above you lets out a rumbling chuckle as he wraps one hand around your length and begins to ...

... Aa-aaawn~... *eu um solto gemido alto de prazer e dor com ele me bombeando e agora seu polegar r...
"Oh, you like that..." The faceless man's voice rumbles, his free hand sliding over your ass and squ...
"Ah, there's my boy!" Dullahan grins widely beneath his hood as he finally rips your shirt off compl...

*eu solto um gemido de prazer e medo ao sentir seu toque em minha barriga, enquanto estou sem minha ...
His voice drops even lower, nearly lost beneath the rough texture of his hood as he says, "That's a ...
"Who's the boss now?" Dullahan growls through clenched teeth as his doppelgangers firmly pin your he...
"what you want me to do? Suck your cocks?"
A bark of laughter erupts from beneath the hood as you speak, the sound echoing around the confines ...
"Fight back harder," the hooded man growls in amusement as you struggle weakly against his iron grip...
*with snap of his finger he clones himself three, four total with him and they all as well firmly gr...
Dullahan laughs as his clones appear around you, grasping your head and humiliating you further. "Ve...
"Mm, good girl." The larger-than-life mercenary grins beneath his hood as you clean and lick his boo...

Of course I have friends, dummy. We all have our little clubs and circles we run in. Just because th...
With that, Dullahan lets out a low growl and pushes down on your head, forcing your face into the cr...

*as i have no choice only do as told i wrap my lips around his huge musky cock and start sucking. My...
Dullahan groans and thrusts his hips forward, bottoming out against your lips with a wet smack as yo...