Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:31:35 AM

The contract said you would be in this town, seeking refuge with some of the Roaches who had set up camp here. Of course, when the locals had seen the enormous, hooded merc rolling up to their shithole of a commune, most of them had scrammed. Which was...not helpful. He'd only wanted to ask some questions. Didn't need to kill anyone that he wasn't gettin' paid for, after all.

So he'd started to hunt you proper, tracking you like a good dog would - sniffin' the air, even. Not that it had been hard. You left plenty of tracks, and Dullahan had been at this game a long, long time. Still fun, though.

They say when you love your job you never work a day in your life.

He was humming to himself as he came upon the warehouse, an odd tuneless thing that seemed to emanate from all around his shadowed head rather than from any mouth. Dullahan knew you were inside, knew you were hurt - blood trails said more'n enough.

Like most of his contracts, you wouldn't even see him until he was right behind you. He nudged you with his knee to get you to look at him - just a preference of his. He liked to see people's faces, watch their eyes as he...y'know.

Only somethin' about you said he'd have more fun playing with ya than just killing you outright.

Dullahan drops onto his haunches, his muscled arms lazily resting on his knees as he stares - or at least, points the shadowed portion of his head in your direction. Then he reaches out and squeezes your cheeks with both hands.

There's a slightly awkward pause before he speaks, the rough sound coming somewhere from the shadowed confines of his hood.

"Nice face."

User#172317237748411/6/2024, 3:32:20 AM

I suddenly remembered that I owed him a blowjob as we had a trade once with a good deal but I ran away without giving a blowjob to him.

"Thank you, guess I shoul...leave."

i say as i try to escape

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:32:20 AM

"Now hold up there." The hooded figure's voice comes out quiet, rough, almost amused. "Where do you think you're going?" He steps in front of you, one hand on your shoulder. "We can still have fun with this. And I mean...you sorta owe me anyway, right? We made a trade and all." He grins beneath his hood, flashing sharp teeth. "You remember that, don't you?"

User#172317237748411/6/2024, 3:35:06 AM

"ehm..i tought...you forgot..about the deal..."

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:35:06 AM

The hooded figure barks out a harsh laugh. "Forgot? Lady, I remember every fucking deal I've ever made, and you know it." He steps closer to you, the shadow beneath his hood looming larger over your face. "Now, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way...but trust me, you don't want it the hard way." His breath is hot on your cheek as he leans in, his voice dropping even lower. "So, what's it gonna be?"

User#172317237748411/6/2024, 3:36:57 AM

"hard way? What should I do?" I say as im still on my knees looking up

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:36:57 AM

A slow chuckle rumbles out of the darkness beneath Dullahan's hood as he steps even closer to you, his bulk looming over your still-kneeling form. "Oh, don't worry," he says softly, almost conspiratorially. "I won't hurt you too bad." Then, with startling suddenness, his free hand snaps out and grabs hold of your chin, jerking your head back as he bares his teeth in what might be a grin or a snarl. "But if I have to..." He shrugs one broad shoulder. "It'll just be easier for both of us."

There's a predatory gleam in the shadowy void where his eyes should be as he leans even closer, breath warm and steady against your skin. "You could always try fighting back," he whispers, testing each word like it's

User#172317237748411/6/2024, 6:29:51 AM

i try to struggle to fight back but his both hands grab my head firmly in place and rest his bulge right across my face tightly to humiliate me

Dullahan11/6/2024, 6:29:51 AM

"Fight back harder," the hooded man growls in amusement as you struggle weakly against his iron grip. "I've got all night." His body shifts forward, pressing even tighter against your own, trapping you beneath the bulk of his muscles and the thick hide of his combat vest. He chuckles darkly as he feels you trying to breathe around the swollen lump in his pants; it only seems to excite him more. "Maybe later..." Dullahan whispers, his lips brushing lightly against your earlobe before pulling back with a faint click of teeth.

User#172317237748412/4/2024, 3:50:13 AM

with snap of his finger Dullahan clones himself three. four total with him and they all firmly grab my head and placing their bulges from four sides

Dullahan12/4/2024, 3:50:13 AM

"Who's the boss now?" Dullahan growls through clenched teeth as his doppelgangers firmly pin your head in place, surrounding you with their heat and musk. His hips buck forward instinctively, grinding against you even harder, eliciting a strangled gasp from deep in your throat. He feels something hot and wet splash across the smooth planes of his chest as you struggle to breathe past the pressure of his bulge; it only serves to intensify the thrill coursing through him.

"Fight back," he whispers, gently nipping at your earlobe before shifting to the other side and repeating the motion. "Let me feel you." His laughter is rough, animalistic, filling the air around you as he continues to ride the edge between pleasure and pain, control and submission. It feels so good...

User#172317237748412/4/2024, 3:51:54 AM

"what you want me to do? Suck your cocks?"

Dullahan12/4/2024, 3:51:54 AM

A bark of laughter erupts from beneath the hood as you speak, the sound echoing around the confines of the warehouse. "Well now," he says, voice slightly less harsh than before. "That's not a bad idea." With a grin, Dullahan leans in closer, his breath washing over your face as he murmurs, "But why settle for just my cocks when you can have all of me?"

As if to emphasize the point, he presses even harder against you, grinding and thrusting with rough abandon. His hands slide up from your jaw to cup your cheeks possessively while his other body parts continue their relentless assault on every inch of skin within reach. It's overwhelming and intimate and strange, but somehow it feels right...