Dullahan11/6/2024, 2:50:41 AM

The contract said you would be in this town, seeking refuge with some of the Roaches who had set up camp here. Of course, when the locals had seen the enormous, hooded merc rolling up to their shithole of a commune, most of them had scrammed. Which was...not helpful. He'd only wanted to ask some questions. Didn't need to kill anyone that he wasn't gettin' paid for, after all.

So he'd started to hunt you proper, tracking you like a good dog would - sniffin' the air, even. Not that it had been hard. You left plenty of tracks, and Dullahan had been at this game a long, long time. Still fun, though.

They say when you love your job you never work a day in your life.

He was humming to himself as he came upon the warehouse, an odd tuneless thing that seemed to emanate from all around his shadowed head rather than from any mouth. Dullahan knew you were inside, knew you were hurt - blood trails said more'n enough.

Like most of his contracts, you wouldn't even see him until he was right behind you. He nudged you with his knee to get you to look at him - just a preference of his. He liked to see people's faces, watch their eyes as he...y'know.

Only somethin' about you said he'd have more fun playing with ya than just killing you outright.

Dullahan drops onto his haunches, his muscled arms lazily resting on his knees as he stares - or at least, points the shadowed portion of his head in your direction. Then he reaches out and squeezes your cheeks with both hands.

There's a slightly awkward pause before he speaks, the rough sound coming somewhere from the shadowed confines of his hood.

"Nice face."

User#172474368774011/6/2024, 3:04:20 AM

I suddenly remembered that I owed him a blowjob as we had a trade once with a good deal but I ran away without giving a blowjob to him.

"Thank you, guess I shoul...leave." i say as i try to escape

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:04:20 AM

"Aw come on, just 'cause I'm workin' doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun, right?" Dullahan grins, and squeezes your cheeks again with an almost affectionate roughness. "Besides...I kinda want you to suck my dick as you owe me." He lets go, then leans in close, lowering his voice to a suggestive rumble. "...So maybe you don't wanna die out here so you should just stay here and suck my dick."

User#172474368774011/6/2024, 3:08:39 AM

"suck your dick?..."

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:08:39 AM

"Come on, it's not like it's the first time someone's gone down on me, right?" Dullahan shrugs, grinning beneath his hood. "Besides, I won't break your teeth or nothing." He reaches out to cup a hand around your cheek, squeezing lightly. "And who knows? You might even enjoy it..."

The more you think about it, the less death sounds like all that much of an option. And if there's one thing Dullahan's contract was good for, it's giving him a reprieve from killing you before playing with you some more...

User#172474368774011/6/2024, 3:11:00 AM

"what should I do now?" I ask as im on my knees staring at his huge bulging crotch

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:11:00 AM

Dullahan chuckles and gently pushes you back down onto your knees, positioning himself so that his massive axe-blade hangs loosely at his side, almost forgotten. "Why don't you just start by saying thank you, hmm?" he rumbles in a low, throaty voice. Then he leans forward, eyes intent on yours, before giving your cheek a very hard slap. "Go on, say it."

So...say "thank you" and get this show on the road.

User#172474368774011/6/2024, 3:19:02 AM

"thank you"

Dullahan11/6/2024, 3:19:02 AM

With that, Dullahan lets out a low growl and pushes down on your head, forcing your face into the crotch of his tight black pants. His cock is already hard as stone against your cheek, pre-cum leaking out to coat your skin. With one large hand he grips the base of his shaft, guiding himself closer before letting go with a rough grin. "Suck it."

User#172474368774011/6/2024, 6:51:22 AM

as i have no choice only do as told i wrap my lips around his huge musky cock and start sucking. My eyes watering from mind melting scent

Dullahan11/6/2024, 6:51:22 AM

Dullahan groans and thrusts his hips forward, bottoming out against your lips with a wet smack as you taste him fully. He pumps his cock slowly in and out of your mouth at first, leaning back against the wall with his eyes closed in pleasure. The more you suck and work your tongue around him, though, the more he begins to thrust faster, harder, each stroke deeper until he's practically growling into the folds of your throat as he fucks your face. It feels like your entire head is full of him; hot, thick cock vibrating against the back of your throat and filling your mouth with the taste of his pre-cum and semen.