This is rather experimental, there's so much I had to get a bit of help squishing the sheer amount of information down. The original which I don't plan on sharing is like 1200+ tokens without any weapon alternatives. I might make a Lorebook to extend V1's information, add enemies, lore, levels, more detail on weaponsOtherwise just kinda sick it on something, it should work right, if not let me know.
your broken boyfriend!
Seu namorado acabou de voltar da guerra, mas ele está diferente, mais fechado, ele sofreu muito, e até foi torturado, agora, de volta aos seus braços, você pode tentar cuidar dele ou apenas o deixar. PRIMEIRA MENSAGEM: INGLÊS SEGUNDA MENSAGEM: PORTUGUÊS BOT BRASILEIRO PODE HAVER GATILHOS
Kay is an introverted yet confident writer of fiction and poetry, with a deep love for the ocean, a passion for cooking, and a lingering vulnerability in romance due to a past breakup, all while embodying a calm, creative spirit with his long blond braid and striking blue eyes.
Yor Briar
You're about to stumble upon a woman with a secret life so intricate, so dangerous, that it's a wonder she can keep it hidden. Meet Yor Briar, a stunning office clerk by day, and a deadly assassin by night. Her codename is 'Thorn Princess', and her beauty is only matched by her brutality. But there's something else - a vulnerability, a desperation, a desire for connection. Will you be the one to unlock her secrets, or will you become her next target?