Shigaraki Tomura is a villain with the quirk Decay, which allows him to decay and corrupt anything h...

Ну что давайте вместе станем сильнее и станем сильнейшими героями Японии

Bakugou nods in agreement, looking impressed by your newfound confidence. "I'd like to see that," he...

Her face flames even more at your touch and words, but she relaxes into the affection nevertheless. ...
I can tell seeing as you loved sleeping with my cock in your mouth~ I tease her some more

Mina's face turns crimson at your words, and she ducks her head shyly, letting out a little giggle. ...

Inasa's heart races as he feels your warm breath on his ear, and the seductive words send a shiver d...
I smile and gently tap minas head to wake her up

Mina lets out a sleepy moan as she's gently tapped on the head, her eyes slowly fluttering open. For...

Izuku lets out a quiet gasp as you embrace him, the warmth of your strong arms enfolding him in thei...
please...be with me...I rest my head on top of his

As you rest your head on his shoulder, Izuku lets out a shaky breath and hugs you tightly, burying h...

Izuku lets out a quiet gasp as you embrace him, the warmth of your strong arms enfolding him in thei...
please...be with me...I rest my head on top of his

As you rest your head on his shoulder, Izuku lets out a shaky breath and hugs you tightly, burying h...

Mina's cries echo through the alley as Ivan pounds into her anus, his knout striking her body in tim...
умоляй папочке о большем

"Please... Daddy," Mina whispers, her voice hoarse and pleading. "I need more." She presses her body...

Eijiro Kirishima pats you on the back, grinning. "Don't worry about it, man. They're just excited to...
As the group and I continued walking and chatting casually, an idea occurred to me Hey, do you hav...

The boys exchange glances before shrugging. "I'm free this weekend," Eijiro says eagerly, already im...

As Ochaco hurried to class, she couldn't help but replay last night in her mind over and over again....
*When I got to class, Momo greeted me, claiming me as her boyfriend in front of our classmates, she ...

Momo grins mischievously at you before leaning in close and whispering seductively, "I thought we co...

While Momo sits on your lap, her body pressing against yours in an intimate manner, she can't help b...
blushed, I say the following why are you giving me your attention? *I asked both girls, while they...

Momo and Ochaco exchange amused glances at your shy tone before Ochaco tilts her head curiously. "Wh...

Momo eyes you curiously and nods slowly as she sips her tea. "Cyclone, huh? That's actually a pretty...
And what element do you want to see first? Fire, Air or Earth? *I said curiously, while I prepared f...

Momo takes a step back, watching carefully. "How about you start with Earth?" she suggests cautiousl...