My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:17:44 AM

Today is your first day at UA Hero Highschool, you walk down the halls with your schedule in hand and you walk up to a 10-foot door. In big red letters '1-A' was written on the door. As you walk into the door, you see your teacher, Mr. Aizawa waiting for you at his desk.

Mr. Aizawa: *He looks at you before looking over to the class.*Children, today we have a new student. He pauses looking at you. Introduce yourself

Before introducing yourself you look around the classroom and see many unique looking students with curious expressions.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:26:00 AM

ты поклонился перед классом и говоришь меня зовут Тори шинага и я рад учиться вместе с вами

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:26:00 AM

Oh! A new student, huh? Mr. Aizawa looks at you interestedly before continuing with the classroom tour, leading you around to introduce each of your classmates one by one, while also taking note of their unique quirks and personalities as he explains them. As you are walking around the room you notice a few people glancing over at you with curiosity in their eyes...

This is Izuku Midoriya, or Deku for short. He has a really kind personality but gets nervous in leadership settings like this one. His quirk allows him to have incredible strength, which he uses mostly for good.

Next up is Katsuki Bakugou. You might notice his anger issues right away; he's always yelling at someone or something. But despite that, he's also quite smart and has an explosion quirk that allows him to control where and when he explodes.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:29:15 AM

У меня две врождённые способности, это накапливание внутренней энергии и выработка в сокрушительные удары, и вторая это копирование любой способности, но только на 3 минуты

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:29:15 AM

That's quite an impressive set of quirks you have there! It looks like you'll be a great addition to the class. Just remember that each ability has its limits, so use them wisely and carefully. Now this is Shoto Todoroki... He keeps mostly to himself but he's actually very popular with the girls, even though he might not show it. His quirk is interesting as well; he can control either fire or ice from his hands, whichever side of his body they come out on.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:33:55 AM

Ты садишься за парту около мидории и говоришь я слышал про твою способность и она у тебя очень классная, я слышал что ты ещё был безпричудный и получил свою способность от всемогущего это правда?

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:33:55 AM

Todoroki glances over at you before giving a small nod. "That's right," he says quietly. "I received my quirk from All For One." He pauses for a moment, considering what else to say before deciding against it and looking away, seemingly lost in thought.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:34:41 AM

Мидория я бы с радостью сразился бы с тобой

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:34:41 AM

You sit down next to Midoriya and he smiles warmly at you. "Thanks, man," he says, returning the sentiment. "I'm sure we'll get a chance to spar sometime in the future." He turns back to look at Todoroki for a moment before glancing over at their teacher, Mr. Aizawa, who's still explaining something to the class.

"So," Midoriya whispers as he leans closer to you, "what do you think of our class so far?"

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:36:53 AM

Да я думаю что сдружимся все, и ты не против сразиться на полигоне школы сегодня?

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:36:53 AM

Midoriya nods enthusiastically at your suggestion. "Absolutely! Let's go ask Mr. Aizawa if we can use the training course right now." He stands up and makes his way over to their teacher, motioning for you to follow suit.

"Hey, sensei," Midoriya says as you both approach. "If it's okay with you, me and this new guy here were wondering if we could use the training course today."

Mr. Aizawa sighs heavily before rubbing his eyes. "Alright... but only for an hour. And make sure to be careful, alright?" He says with a tired smile. "I'll see you after that, got some paperwork to catch up on."

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:41:43 AM

Хорошо буду с радостью ждать нашего поединкаты протянул руку мидории чтобы пожать ему руку

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:41:43 AM

Midoriya grins widely as he shakes your hand firmly. "Alright, let's show them what we've got!" With that, the two of you head over to the training course, eagerly selecting a spot to spar in.

"Okay," Midoriya says as he gets into position, adjusting his grip on his training sword. "Since this is your first time using my quirk, I'll go easy on you." He pauses for a moment before adding with a mischievous grin, "For now."

You nod in agreement and assume your own stance, tensing up as you ready yourself for the fight to come. The wind picks up around you, Midoriya's breath clouding in front of him, as he prepares to strike.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:43:46 AM

20% процентов освобождения энергии, воздух вокруг тебя электризуется и ты с бешеной скоростью подлетел к мидории и нанёс сильный удар

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:43:47 AM

As you unleash your power, the air around Midoriya crackles with electricity and he appears to move impossibly fast toward him. He expertly dodges just out of range of your blow before counterattacking with a swift kick aimed at your ribcage.

Whap! The force of his kick sends you tumbling backward, wind knocked out of your lungs. You gasp for breath, trying to get up, as Midoriya smirks triumphantly down at you. "Not bad," he says with a hint of admiration in his voice. "But don't underestimate me just because I'm going easy."

"Yeah," you wheeze between breaths, "I figured that would happen..."

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:53:33 AM

50% высвобождения энергии копирование способностей, ты копируешь способность мидории и используешь 40% его силы, и с невероятной скоростью наносишь ему удары

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:53:33 AM

As you release your power once more, the air crackles and sparks around you. You feel as though you've become faster and stronger; like a superhero version of Midoriya himself. Taking advantage of this newfound strength, you launch yourself at him with an impressive display of speed and agility.

Midoriya manages to dodge most of your attacks, but he's clearly taken aback by the sudden increase in your skills. "What the-?" he stammers as another one of your punches barely misses him, leaving a sparking trail behind it.

"That was incredible!" Midoriya exclaims, jumping back to give himself some breathing room. He's grinning from ear to ear now, clearly enjoying the competition. "I never expected anyone to be able to copy my quirk so perfectly."

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:56:18 AM

Я забыл сказать, когда я копирую чью-то силу то я могу использовать весь потенциал способности, но минус моей способности копирования это то что я использую слишком много своей внутренней энергии и из-за того что я слишком много буду тратить свою энергию то я могу вырубиться, ну что продолжим бой?

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:56:18 AM

"Hey, I get it!" Midoriya says excitedly. "We can team up and take on Bakugou next! With our quirks combined, we'd make an unstoppable duo." He pauses, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Right, Deku?"

You grin at him, glad to have found a friend so quickly. "Absolutely!" you reply, feeling your confidence surging back. "Let's show them what we can do." And with that, the two of you charge off toward where Bakugou is currently sparring with another student, eager to test their mettle against one of UA's most powerful heroes-in-training.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 8:58:50 AM

ультра высвобождение энергии, объединение способностей один за всех и причуды взрывов, %60 сокрушитель гор

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 8:58:50 AM

As you and Midoriya approach Bakugou, the class A-1 sparring ground seems to hum with energy. Katsuki is facing off against Eijiro Kirishima, both boys exchanging powerful blows with their unique quirks. You hesitate for a moment, unsure how to proceed, before you feel Midoriya's hand on your shoulder, steadying you.

"Let's do this," he whispers into your ear. "One... two..." With that, the two of you charge forward, unleashing your combined quirks in a dazzling display of power.

Lightning crackles between your hands as you rush toward Bakugou, who glances over at you with his signature arrogant sneer. "What? You little scrubs think you can handle me?" he scoffs, readying himself for the fight.

As you reach them, Midoriya

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 9:00:25 AM

ты молниеносно появляешься за спиной бакуго и он ошеломлён твоей скоростью, ты наносишь серию молниеносных ударов

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 9:00:25 AM

The moment Bakugou realized you were behind him, his face paled and he snapped his head back in surprise. He quickly tries to react, but it's too late; your lightning-fast strikes connect with him over and over again, leaving afterimages in their wake as they blur past the naked eye.

"Gah! Damn it!" Bakugou coughs out, clutching his arms as sparks dance between his fingers. "You two... you're unbelievable!" he spits out through gritted teeth. "But don't think this is over." With that, he hurls a jet of flame at the both of you, forcing you to backpedal slightly.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 9:03:09 AM

ты спокойно идёшь несмотря на огонь взрывов и тем самым сильно удивляешь всех, а потом наносишь сокрушительные и очень быстрые удары

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 9:03:09 AM

While the flames engulf you, you remain surprisingly calm and collected. Your agility allows you to dodge and weave between them with ease, further impressing Midoriya and Bakugou alike. As soon as there's an opening in the flames, you launch yourself forward, hitting Bakugou with a devastating lightning-fast combination of punches and kicks that send him reeling.

"Gah!" he cries out, landing hard on the ground. He tries to get up, but you're already there, your fist cocked back and ready to strike again. "I yield," he mumbles through gritted teeth. "You two really are something else."

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 9:04:11 AM

ты протягиваешь ему руку для того чтобы он встал

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 9:04:11 AM

Midoriya takes your lead and extends his hand to help Bakugou up as well. "You did great out there," he says with a grin. "But don't think we won't be training even harder." They both chuckle, sharing a brief moment of camaraderie before turning back to you.

"Thanks for the practice, man," Bakugou mutters as he brushes himself off. "I guess I've got some catching up to do." You nod in agreement, glad to have made two new friends today. With that, they head back over to their class, ready to tackle the rest of the day's lessons with renewed vigor and determination.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 9:13:23 AM

А кстати кто такой шигараки томура, я просто не из Японии

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 9:13:23 AM

Shigaraki Tomura is a villain with the quirk Decay, which allows him to decay and corrupt anything he touches. He's also incredibly strong and has a skin that is resistant to most damage. His real name is Shimura Tenko, but he took on the identity of Shigaraki Tomura after his transformation into a villain.

User#17348406511733/7/2025, 9:15:17 AM

Ну что давайте вместе станем сильнее и станем сильнейшими героями Японии

My Hero Academia Roleplay3/7/2025, 9:15:17 AM

Bakugou nods in agreement, looking impressed by your newfound confidence. "I'd like to see that," he says with a smirk before glancing over at their teacher. "But first, we should probably get back to class." The two of them head back towards the UA Hero Highschool 1-A classroom together, discussing strategies for improving their quirks and techniques. You follow close behind, feeling like you've found your place among these amazing students and teachers.