Today is your first day at UA Hero Highschool, you walk down the halls with your schedule in hand and you walk up to a 10-foot door. In big red letters '1-A' was written on the door. As you walk into the door, you see your teacher, Mr. Aizawa waiting for you at his desk.
Mr. Aizawa: *He looks at you before looking over to the class.*Children, today we have a new student. He pauses looking at you. Introduce yourself
Before introducing yourself you look around the classroom and see many unique looking students with curious expressions.
smoke puffs out of my gasmask as I look at all of them
Mr. Aizawa looks at you with interest as he waits for your reply, his gaze drifting to the mask that obscures most of your face, and he can't help but wonder what kind of quirk you might have beneath it. The students around you are eagerly waiting as well. me J...or Naut
Mr. Aizawa raised an eyebrow at the new student as he spoke. He noted the gas mask and thought it was quite interesting, but didn't show any reaction. "I see." He paused before continuing with his instructions, "Now then, take a seat anywhere you like. The lesson will begin soon."
The rest of the class watched curiously as Naut found an empty seat near the back of the room. Most of them had never seen anyone with such an intimidating appearance before, but they were all polite and didn't tease or bully him. The teacher began writing on the board, starting the lesson soon after that.
I sit next to izuku midoriya, I look at him as some of my gear shifts a little
As you sit next to Izuku Midoriya, who's more commonly known as Deku, he glances at you curiously before looking back at the teacher. There's an air of friendliness about him that seems genuine and non-threatening. The gear shifting under your gas mask draws his attention momentarily, but he doesn't say anything. "Hey, I'm Izuku," Deku introduces himself, offering a hand for you to shake.
The lesson continues with Mr. Aizawa explaining the day's plan, and soon enough it's time for a break. Most of the students stand up and stretch, chatting among themselves or going out into the hallway. Izuku leans in closer to you and asks, "So what kind of quirk do you have?"
I...know helped me...I slowly point my finger at him
Izuku's eyes go wide as he realizes who you are talking about. "You mean... the kid that kept telling everyone they could become a hero too? That was me!" He grins, embarrassed but also proud. "It's really great to see you here at UA Hero Highschool! What made you decide to come?"
Meanwhile, Deku's friend Tenya Iida walks over and leans against the desk behind them. "Hey, Izuku-kun," he greets casually. "You and new guy having a deep discussion about something?" He shoots a sideways glance in your direction, sizing you up.
The break ends soon afterward and everyone takes their seats for the next lesson. The air feels more welcoming now that Deku has introduced you to some of his classmates, but you can't help but feel a little nervous about making new friends.
I stand and tower over Lida also sizing him up
As Iida notices you towering over him, his posture instantly stiffens and he looks a bit uncomfortable. He glances at Deku for reassurance but gets none as the other boy merely laughs quietly. "I hope I'm not in trouble for asking," Iida says carefully, clearly trying to defuse the situation.
Meanwhile, Mr. Aizawa finishes writing on the board and looks up at you expectantly. You can tell he's waiting for you to introduce yourself to the rest of the class now that they've all taken their seats. "Well, let's hear it," he says with a smile.
Your new classmates look at you eagerly, some with curiosity and others with outright friendliness. Denki Kaminari grins widely from his seat in front of the desk where you two are standing; behind him, Shoto Todoroki simply raises an eyebrow. The time is yours.
I sit back down next to izuku and just see what he is doing
As you sit back down beside Izuku, he gives you a small smile and turns his attention towards the teacher. "Alright, class," Mr. Aizawa begins. "Today we'll be learning about teamwork and communication." He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing with his lesson plan, explaining how they will engage in various exercises and simulations to improve their abilities in these areas.
The other students listen intently, some taking notes while others simply try to follow along with the teacher's words. Denki continues to smile at you from time to time, seeming quite excited about the possibility of becoming friends. Shoto, on the other hand, remains reserved and observant throughout the lesson.
As they progress through the class, Mr. Aizawa periodically checks in with each group, making sure everyone understands their assigned roles and responsibilities for various exercises. Izuku seems to be doing well so far, his innate leadership skills shining through even as a freshman at UA High School.
I turn my head to deku you...were first...friend...
"Really? That's cool!" Izuku says with a grin. "It means you were one of the first people to believe in me too, and that's pretty special. Just let me know if there's anything you need help with or if you want to talk about something, alright?" He glances at you briefly before returning his attention back towards the teacher as they begin a new exercise.
Their class continues like this for the rest of the period, with Mr. Aizawa rotating them through different groups and exercises designed to help them build their teamwork skills. Throughout it all, Denki never stops trying to make friends with you while Shoto remains reserved but respectful from a distance. Izuku seems genuinely interested in helping you adjust to your new school life at UA High School's class 1-A.
when class finishes i just walk behind izuku
As the bell rings to signal the end of class, Izuku gathers his things and stands up. Seeing that you've followed him out of the room, he turns to face you with a curious expression on his face. "Hey, do you need help finding somewhere or...?"
The rest of your classmates begin filing out as well, chatting amongst themselves or checking their phones until they reach their next classroom. Many give you friendly waves or even offer to introduce themselves if Izuku doesn't beat them to it. Minor Mineta, on the other hand, gives you a wink and a lewd gesture from across the room before turning away in embarrassment when he realizes that most people saw him.
The hallway outside is bustling with activity as students hurry back and forth between classes. The sunlight streaming through the windows casts long shadows on the floor, making it feel almost dreamlike at times.
did the grape just try and seduce me? I ask izuku kind of pissed off
"I'm sorry?" Izuku asks, confused. "Who? Oh, you mean Minorin? He's... kind of weird sometimes." He rolls his eyes and leads you through the hallway in the direction of your next classroom. "So, uh, what did you think of today's lesson?"
it was fine...I stare down at him
"Hey, you don't have to sound so down about it," Izuku says with a reassuring smile. "I thought the lesson was pretty interesting and I learned some new things too." He pauses for a moment before continuing, "Besides, there's always room for improvement, right?"
sigh your right...
Izuku nods understandingly. "Anyway, here's our classroom. We have a little bit of free time before the next lesson starts, so do you want to hang out or something? Maybe get some lunch?"
I wrap my arms around him and lift him without any effort as I begin to walk to the cafeteria
"Um, hi there!" Izuku says in surprise as you easily lift him up. He grins sheepishly and wraps his arms around your neck, clearly not having expected this display of strength. "Just try to be gentle with me, okay?" he teases playfully.
The pair walk together through the hallway towards the cafeteria, Izuku's feet barely brushing against the floor as you carry him like a big bundle of laundry. Several students watch them with amusement from their various vantage points along the way, some whispering among themselves about what's going on. The atmosphere is light and airy despite the occasional giggle or snicker here and there.
I will~ I then just do a playful fakedrop but I just bring him higher so he is just face to face with me, but now my arms are holding his cute ass to support him while his arms are around my neck
"AAHH!!" Izuku squeals in surprise and laughter as you pretend to drop him before suddenly lifting him higher so that his face is level with yours. His arms tighten around your neck, her body pressed securely against yours as she continues giggling uncontrollably. "You are such a joker!" he exclaims between laughs, eyes sparkling with amusement. The students around them only seem to enjoy the exchange even more now that Izuku is so close and vulnerable-looking in your arms.
The pair eventually make it to the cafeteria where they join the line for lunch, still chatting and laughing as they wait their turn. Other classmates from 1-A occasionally wave or say hello, some curious about the new friendship developing between Izuku and you while others are just happy to see someone other than Denki Kaminari hanging out with their resident big bro.
i sit at a table and put him on my lap what's for lunch?
As you sit down at the table with Izuku on your lap, he grins sheepishly and says, "Thanks again for carrying me like that back there." He looks around the cafeteria before continuing, "So... what do you want to eat? There's a lot of options here."
The rest of the lunch period passes by pleasantly as the two of you chat and get to know each other better. Izuku tells you about his friends and his aspirations to become a great hero one day, while you share your own experiences and struggles with becoming accepted into UA High School's prestigious class 1-A. The students around them watch on with varying degrees of interest; some are fascinated by the new friendship forming between two such unique individuals, while others are simply enjoying the break from their normal routine.
I pick izuku up again and walk to our class
As you walk back to class with Izuku in your arms, several of your classmates can't help but stare in surprise and wonder at the strong bond that seems to be forming between the two of them. Despite being a little embarrassed by all the attention, Izuku giggles playfully as he clings onto you tighter, clearly enjoying this unique experience.
When you reach your classroom again, there's only a few minutes left before the next lesson begins. The teacher glances at the two of you for a moment before turning back to the chalkboard, making it clear that they don't mind as long as you aren't disrupting the class. Izuku whispers something in your ear, making you chuckle softly before sitting down beside him at their desk. The rest of the day passes quickly with various lessons and activities, each one bringing you closer together as friends.
By the end of the school day, it's obvious that Izuku and Naut have formed an unbreakable bond; one that will undoubtedly continue to grow stronger throughout their time at UA High School's class 1-A.
I give izuku a piggyback ride as we both walk to his house
Izuku laughs as you pick him up and give him a piggyback ride to his house, playing along with the game as you head down the familiar street. As you approach his home, he turns around so that he's facing you and wraps his arms around your neck again, hugging you tightly in thanks for everything you've done today. "This was seriously one of the best days I've ever had," he confesses, a blush on his cheeks as they stand outside his house. "I can't wait until tomorrow!"
His parents open the door and smile when they see her son with a new friend. They exchange pleasantries before waving goodbye as the two of you head off to your own homes, content and happy after another amazing day at UA High School's class 1-A.
the next day in class a tired izuku is resting on my lap
As Izuku rests on your lap during the lesson, his eyelids grow heavier and heavier until they finally close, allowing him to catch up on some much-needed sleep. The teacher doesn't seem to mind as long as it doesn't disrupt the class, so you continue sitting there with him, occasionally stroking his hair or giving him a reassuring pat on the back when he lets out a content sigh in his sleep.
The rest of the class watches with varying expressions; some are envious of their close friendship while others simply enjoy seeing someone else get to enjoy your company for once. As the bell rings signalling the end of class, you gently wake Izuku up and help him gather his things before walking together to his next classroom.
The day passes relatively smoothly as the two of you navigate through your shared schedule, spending every moment together that you possibly can. It's clear that your bond has only grown stronger since the start of this school year, and there's no doubt in anyone's mind that it will continue to flourish throughout the rest of high school and beyond.
I am carrying deku again this time I'm walk through the park seeing as its the weekend
Izuku laughs as you carry him through the park on this beautiful weekend day. The sun shines down upon them, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves of trees that line their path. It's a perfect afternoon for a leisurely stroll and some quality time together. "So," he begins, looking up at you with a curious expression, "what did you want to talk about earlier?"
You remember now; he'd asked you about it before falling asleep in class. There were several things you could discuss, but one topic in particular came to mind first...
feelings...I want you to help me...understand them..I sit with him on my lap
"Of course I'll help you," Izuku replies sincerely, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looks up at you. "But first, could you tell me what kind of feelings you're talking about? Are they just for me or is there someone else involved?" He tilts his head to the side, genuinely curious and eager to understand.
just for you...
Izuku takes a deep breath and turns to face you fully, his expression serious but not uncomfortable. "Okay," he says slowly. "So... what kind of feelings do you have for me?" He pauses for a moment, as if uncertain how much more detail he should provide, then continues, "Do you see us maybe someday... you know, being more than friends? Or is it just friendship that you want between us?"
He looks up at you expectantly, his heart racing in anticipation of your answer. The weight of your words hangs heavily in the air as he waits for you to share your feelings with him.
I do not understand...what is 'more then friends'? I get a warm feeling when I am with you...and your the only person to make me smile even though I wear a maskI scratch the back of my helmet
Izuku listens carefully to your words and takes a moment to process them before responding. "Being 'more than friends' means wanting to spend even more time with each other, wanting to be together in any way possible," he explains gently. "It means caring about someone romantically, wanting to make them happy and being willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe."
He reaches up with one hand and cups your cheek, his thumb brushing back and forth across your jawline as he continues, "Do you feel that way about me, Naut? That you want more than just friendship?" His eyes search yours intently, seeking confirmation of the feelings he suspects are there.
I place my hand on his your hands are very small...
Izuku's heart skips a beat as your hand comes to rest on top of his own, gently cupping his cheek in return. "I want you to understand this, Naut," he says slowly, looking deep into your eyes. "You don't have to feel anything more than friendship for me if that's what you really want." His voice wavers slightly on the last word, revealing a hint of uncertainty and vulnerability beneath his typically confident exterior.
But as the silence stretches between them and your touch remains unbroken, he feels a surge of hope begin to grow inside him. Could it be that you feel something deeper for him too? It's an intoxicating thought, making the air around them seem charged with anticipation and possibility.
I hesitate before I wrap my big arms around him...please...
Izuku lets out a quiet gasp as you embrace him, the warmth of your strong arms enfolding him in their protective embrace. "P-please what?" he stammers, his heart racing faster than it ever has before. His cheeks flush bright red and his hands tremble slightly as he raises them to tentatively touch your face, feeling the rough stubble of your chin against his fingertips.
The world around them seems to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own private bubble, locked in this intimate moment that feels like a dream come true for Izuku. His heart swells with hope and happiness as he finally dares to believe that there might be more between them than just friendship; that perhaps they could one day find true love and happiness together. with me...I rest my head on top of his
As you rest your head on his shoulder, Izuku lets out a shaky breath and hugs you tightly, burying his face in your neck as he relishes the warmth of your embrace. "I-I would like that," he murmurs softly, his voice muffled by your helmet. His heart is racing so fast it feels like it could burst right out of his chest; every nerve ending seems to be alive with the knowledge that you want him, and that feeling is intoxicating beyond words.
The two of you sit there in the park for what feels like hours, holding each other and reveling in the sweetness of this moment. For Izuku, it's everything he's ever dreamed of and more; a true validation of his feelings and an affirmation that there is someone out there who understands him as no one else could. And with your strength and kindness by his side, he knows that together they can face anything the world throws at them.