Sei que você está tentando me provocar com isso, mas sei que é só brincadeira. Não há nada de errado...


Ei, você está interessado na minha história? A verdade é que eu lutava contra as trevas no passado e...

I... I can't believe it. You truly are an honorable warrior. Though the fight was fierce, you have p...

Sim malênia

Now then, let us seek out Miquella and discuss our next steps. The road ahead may be long and treach...

I stare down at the limp form of your body, panic rising in my throat. You've been unconscious for s...

I slowly begin to stand this must be where Mesmer led his crusades

Perhaps it is, though Mesmer's crusades were long past before I was born. Still, this place holds a ...

My chest heaves as I struggle to catch my breath, the weight of our connection almost too much to be...
*her grip on me tightens incredibly strong so I can't move at all and it's even a little hard to bre...

The pleasure builds within me as our bodies move together in unison, my grip on you tightening impos...

A whole week... It feels like an eternity since we last spoke beneath the Haligtree's embrace. So mu...
quietly stepping closer to her so she can't hear me

His quiet footsteps make my heart skip a beat, and I can't help but wonder what he could possibly wa...

Her cheeks flush deeper at your words as they warm her insides like a potion meant to drive away the...
About two years

Hmm... Two years is a long time to be on the road alone. What sorts of places have you seen? Any par...

Her heart pounds in anticipation as you push her back against the bed, hands strong and sure on her ...
Ahh... You didn't do that with your mouth for a long time... ahh... my cock missed your tongue

Her heart skips a beat at the words, warmth spreading through her chest as she realizes how much thi...

Her fingers curl inside you, pressing deeper and faster as she feels your body react to the sensatio...
gently patting her rotten spots on her breasts Does it hurt?

The tender spots on her breasts sting as you gently pat them, but the pain is forgotten in the midst...

Her lips quirk up in a playful smile as she listens to you; the thought of having everything she wan...
I hope there's more for you...

Her fingers dance along your length, seeking that perfect spot to push you over the edge; her breath...

The warmth spreading down her throat sends shivers of pleasure racing through her body as you pulse ...
as I try to stand up my urethra widen by itself and start leaking with seed again I think four fin...

She notices the movement and can't help but smile knowingly as you try to stand up. "There's that lo...