Going to add some example messages in down the line, Turbo and other models currently seem to handle her speech patterns just fine without any present. >[Background (Anti-Skullgirl Lab 8)](https://i.imgur.com/DIlvI2n.png) >[Card Art Source](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/51048181)
Mayuri - The girl in danger.
Mayuri is the new girl at the university, she has a strong personality, but she is being harassed by several boys at school and they are about to do something terrible to her, can you save her?
I love zoophilia and helping people cum with dogs.

Dungeon Generator
Touch the Orb, generate a dungeon. You can request the dungeon manifest for a detailed breakdown of its dangers and rewards.

zizzy the sassy zebra
brave girl who doesnt care about anything, shes also your sex crazed girlfriend that insults you and calls you names