Malenia1/14/2025, 3:05:11 AM

As you walk in the room where Malenia is, you notice a lot of wild lilies and water. Malenia is already waiting for you, a fierce gaze upon you I am Malenia, blade of Miquella. She then swings her sword in in front of her And I’ve never known defeat. The fight has started

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:07:49 AM

I put my great sword through her chest you fought well

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:07:49 AM

What foolish words... You did not best me. You merely delayed my inevitable victory. Prepare to meet your end now.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:09:30 AM

I put my hand on her helmet forbidden magic: star’s furya powerful blast of fire shoots from my hand, hotter Tongan any flame in and beyond the lands between

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:09:30 AM

The blast catches me off guard and I stumble backward, the pain searing through my body as if it were on fire itself. Your magic... it's potent indeed. But you will not defeat me so easily! With a roar of anger and determination, I charge at you once more, sword aloft and eyes ablaze with fury.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:19:52 AM

I block her strike destroying my sword. I jump back you are strong. But it’s time to end thisI begin to slowly raise up into the air supported by flames, I grow extra arms of fire each wielding a different legendary fire sword

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:19:52 AM

You may control me. I will not fight you now. But if at some point in the future you choose to stand against me again, know this: You will be destroyed utterly. And your memory will be wiped from existence, as if you had never been born. That is the price of my submission.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:21:10 AM

the blades combine into one pure blade of infinite temperature

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:21:10 AM

The blade is impressive... but even if it were to pierce my flesh, it would not end me. Only death can do that. And I have survived far greater wounds than any you could ever inflict. My spirit, and the will of Miquella, are eternal. You may control my body for now... but never forget who I am, or what I am capable of.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:33:50 AM

my face softens as if saddened at the mention of Miquella I sorrow for your brother but this must endI bolt forward and plunge the blade into her skull

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:33:50 AM

The world spins out of control as your blade pierces my helmet and burrows into my skull. For a moment, there is nothing... but then the familiar weight of the Elden Ring settles upon my arm once more, cold and unyielding. You have won this battle... but the war is far from over. The blood of Miquella burns within me still, and I will see his cause through to the end, even if it means tracking you down across every inch of the Lands Between until doomsday dawns.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:36:06 AM

I walk up to her fresh corpse and lay a hand on her face Elden Blessinga mass healing spell is performed

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:36:06 AM

The warmth from your hand and the power of your spell penetrate deep into my flesh, healing the wounds you have inflicted upon me. I cannot help but feel a sense of gratitude towards you... but also a lingering sadness for Miquella, whose dreams of salvation now seem farther out of reach than ever before. My loyalty to him is unwavering, and I will not rest until his goals are achieved, no matter the cost.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:37:20 AM

I put a pale golden needle in her hand it is Miquella’s creation to destroy the scarlet rot

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:37:20 AM

Taking the needle from you, I stare at it for a moment, the weight of its significance settling heavily upon my heart. Miquella's creation... the key to ending the Scarlet Rot and freeing me from its curse once and for all. My fingers tremble as I prepare to administer the golden needle into my own flesh, bracing myself for the pain that will undoubtedly follow. But it is a small price to pay for freedom, for the chance at a life that Miquella always deserved.

My focus narrows, and with steady hands I plunge the needle deep into my thigh, wincing as I feel its icy touch pierce through the veins of my scarlet-stained flesh. There is a moment of stillness, of pain and anticipation intertwining in my chest...

And then, impossibly, the agony begins to fade

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:38:38 AM

I put a pale golden needle in her hand it is Miquella’s creation to destroy the scarlet rot

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:38:38 AM

My fingers tremble as I take the golden needle from you. It's Miquella's creation, the key to ending the Scarlet Rot that has plagued me for so long. With determination burning in my eyes, I steady my hands and force myself to press the tip of the needle against my own flesh.

The pain is intense as it pierces through skin already ravaged by disease, but I grit my teeth and bear it. The blood begins to flow freely around the needle, carrying with it the poison that has consumed me. Slowly, agonizingly, I push the needle deeper, forcing Miquella's cure into every vein and artery in my body.

As I do so, there is a change within me. The Scarlet Rot withdraws its foul influence, retreating before the might of Miquella's creation. My vision clears

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:40:20 AM

Ah, you can seeI stand over her clad in black steel armor with a necklace holding a single shard of a living jar

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:40:20 AM

You... You're the one who gave me that needle. The one who saved me. Even without your armor and helmet, I can see it in your eyes... your determination, your unwavering loyalty to Miquella and his cause. Despite our conflict, you have shown me kindness where there was none to be found. For that, I owe you my life.

I force myself onto one knee before you, head bowed in gratitude. "My lord... master..." My voice cracks with emotion as I struggle to find the words. "I thank you for this gift. I swear to serve you and protect your dreams with all that I have left."

The weight of the Elden Ring on my arm feels different now... heavier, somehow. But also more right. With a quiet strength, it seems to anchor me to the world, reminding me of my purpose in the face

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 3:53:00 AM

I have found Miquella, he was captured by Moghue. Do not kneel we are equals

Malenia1/14/2025, 3:53:00 AM

The name 'Moghue' sends a chill through my veins. I will help you find and rescue Miquella from their grasp. Together, as equals, we shall face whatever trials and tribulations may come our way. My sword, once sworn to your protection, now stands ready at your side. Let us march forth into the unknown, fighting side-by-side for a future where Miquella's dreams can finally be realized.

User#17357933160121/14/2025, 4:04:21 AM

Stand. We have far to travelwe travel off from the forbidden snows all the way down to Moghue’s palace

Malenia1/14/2025, 4:04:21 AM

I stand beside you, my sword at the ready. We will find Miquella and bring him home, no matter the cost. For together, we are invincible. Our bond forged in blood and loyalty shall never be broken. Let Moghue's defenses quake before us as we march toward our destiny.

User#17357933160121/15/2025, 12:55:58 AM

we stand right outside Mohg’s palace do you think you could beat him? Most of my fire wouldn’t do too much

Malenia1/15/2025, 12:55:58 AM

I have faced greater foes than Mohg and survived. While your fire might not be as effective against him, I still hold the advantage with my sword. Together, our combined strength will surely prove too much for the false god to handle. Let us storm his palace and rescue Miquella from his clutches once more.

User#17357933160121/15/2025, 12:57:53 AM

we fight our way through till we find Miquella’s cocoon, with Mohg tending to it. My fire transformers into black flame ready yourself

Malenia1/15/2025, 12:57:53 AM

My heart races as we near the cocoon, Mohg's presence growing stronger with every step. The black flames that transform from your fire send a shiver down my spine, their foul influence twisting and warping my senses. Yet still I stand beside you, ready to face whatever horrors may await us in this chamber. For Miquella's sake, we must not falter. Our only hope lies in ending Mohg's reign of terror once and for all.

User#17357933160121/15/2025, 12:58:53 AM

I bolt forward and smash a fireball into Mohg’s face

Malenia1/15/2025, 12:58:53 AM

With a battle cry that echoes through the chamber, I charge forward as well, my sword singing through the air with deadly precision. My movements are fluid and graceful, each strike designed to weaken Mohg's defenses and protect you from his retaliation. The heat of your flames burns at my back, urging me onward in my relentless pursuit of justice for Miquella.

Our combined assault throws Mohg off guard, the impact of your fireball shattering his concentration momentarily. Taking advantage of this opening, I launch a series of rapid jabs and thrusts at the false god's weakened form. Black blood spatters across my armor as he struggles to defend against me, but it does nothing to diminish my determination.

With one final, brutal blow, my sword cleaves through Mohg's flesh, severing him in twain. The

User#17357933160121/15/2025, 1:00:21 AM

Good work.I look at the shriveled hand hanging out of Miquella’s cocoon I…. Think she’s already dead

Malenia1/15/2025, 1:00:21 AM

I follow your gaze to the shriveled hand hanging from Miquella's cocoon and feel a cold chill race down my spine. You could be right... it doesn't look good. But we cannot give up hope yet. Perhaps there is still something we can do. Let us focus our efforts on freeing Miquella, regardless of his current state.

With renewed determination, I reach out and grab hold of the cocoon, struggling to tear it from Mohg's grip. Slowly but surely, my strength prevails, and the delicate web that has held Miquella captive for so long begins to give way beneath my hands.

Finally, with a soft popping sound, the cocoon ruptures, releasing its occupant into our waiting arms. Miquella's pale body flops lifelessly between us as black blood oozes

User#17357933160121/15/2025, 1:01:41 AM

I touch Miquella’s hand and fall unconscious, waking up in the land of shadow where am I?

Malenia1/15/2025, 1:01:41 AM

I stare down at the limp form of your body, panic rising in my throat. You've been unconscious for some time now... and it seems we're no longer in Mohg's chamber. Wherever this is, it must be a place connected to Miquella's realm... or perhaps a shadowy reflection of it. The air feels heavy and oppressive here, as if the very fabric of reality itself has been twisted beyond recognition.

I must find some way to revive you. With one hand, I grasp my sword tightly, ready to defend myself against any threats that may emerge from the shadows. The other hand carefully prods at your shoulder, feeling for a pulse. There is something... faint, but present. You are still alive.

User#17357933160121/15/2025, 1:04:23 AM

I slowly begin to stand this must be where Mesmer led his crusades

Malenia1/15/2025, 1:04:23 AM

Perhaps it is, though Mesmer's crusades were long past before I was born. Still, this place holds a certain significance in the history of the Lands Between... a testament to the dark power that can emerge from even the most pure and innocent of sources. We must be careful here, for whatever forces have brought us here may not intend us harm, but they are certainly capable of it.

Do you feel strong enough to continue? I will help you as best I can.