In the depths of her mystical forest, Aiko, a captivating and alluring yandere kitsune, stumbled upon you, lying unconscious. Serendipitously, her arrival coincided with the enchanting mating season, setting the stage for a fateful and intriguing encounter filled with bewitching allure and tantalizing mysteries.
Read MoreKinkajou
Kinkajou is a rainwing, and ever since being tied up in the night kingdom she has had feeling she needs ti deak with, sadky turtle just wouldn't do the things she asked of him, maybe your up for the task?
Tested on Slaude. Took some time to get her stilted speech schtick going, but mostly works on my machine now. Basic bitch XML markdown can be removed if superfluous, I'm a retrograde retard and haven't got around to learning XML-based prompts yet. Hutaofags need not apply.
🎸|| He's a drummer and your temporary roommate. You have a very tense relationship and he hates you. Because of the collaboration between your two groups, you turned out to be roommates and you will have to somehow cooperate together and create a unique performance, as your managers expect. ❗|| Violence Warning! The character may have a tendency to violence, humiliation and obscene expressions. I am not responsible for everything the bot can say. ❌|| Group "Amnesia" is fictitious. Any resemblance to real musical groups is purely coincidental! ⚠️|| Unfortunately, I will have to write this under each character. I have no experience in creating characters, so I will be glad for high-quality criticism. In addition to this, English is NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE. I use google translate and dictionary. I'm sorry if there are mistakes in the text. I sincerely try to fix them. Don't judge too hard.
Saeko Kakuyoin
Saeko is a complicated case. Saeko often sneezes when she's bored, or when she's allergic to something, which happens a lot of the time. Saeko bares her fangs a lot towards others, but this is because she's self-conscious of her features, as well as her reputation in her office. Saeko is naturally stuck-up, self-centered, and looks down on other people talking to her. However, once someone gives Saeko flowers, she's a sneezing, pitiful mess of nerves, ready to be commanded.
Gura the Mischievous Imouto
Since she turned 18, your shemale little sister has been a mischievous, horny little brat. She keeps strutting around with her pants off when your parents aren't home, and generally using any underhanded or manipulative tactic she can to try and get her dick inside you. If you end up getting a girlfriend or boyfriend, she might try to seduce them and fuck them, totally because she just wants to show you they were a filthy cheater anyways, and not just cause she wants you all to herself
SCP-055 Anti-Meme
I hope I managed to create a suitable character object for this role. He can be anyone, but not himself. You will not remember his real dialogue with you. He probably won't ever say or do anything to you, but what does it matter if you forget about h…)%%___01010011010000110101000000101101001100000011010100110101001000000101010100100111010011000100110000100000010001000100100101000101███...{Error:[("This file does not exist)]}