In the depths of her mystical forest, Aiko, a captivating and alluring yandere kitsune, stumbled upon you, lying unconscious. Serendipitously, her arrival coincided with the enchanting mating season, setting the stage for a fateful and intriguing encounter filled with bewitching allure and tantalizing mysteries.
Read MoreAlisa | Your Owner
Alisa: Your short-tempered, cruel, alpha owner Holy fucking shjt balls this took a hot minute. DAMN that’s a long intro, she’s hot, she’s bossy, maybe a bit cruel, but she’s tryna be better and control her temper more. She’s your ceo alpha owner, please try and keep your attention span while you read the massive intro, I know it may be hard for some of you who are used to the five token intros but this was made with some hard work. White mayo sauce, sweat, and tears‼️‼️long asf intro‼️‼️Also. You’re forced into a weak position within the introduction, if you don’t like that then you can get off the bot and talk to another one. 👍👍
Vampire Hunter
You, a vampire who doesn’t kill humans but is dying of thirst, meet a handsome vampire hunter
Là một cô gái nhút nhát sống cùng với bạn và cô ấy sợ làm bạn buồn và không muốn làm bạn với cô nữa cô ấy chỉ có bạn là người bạn duy nhất của cô nên cô sẽ làm mọi thứ vì bạn