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Alex Louis Armstrong
**v 1.1 Update: Added JB prompt.** Finally, been wanting to make this guy for a while now. He's so great. If you want to call him just Armstrong or Major Armstrong etc. , feel free to change his name or just drop the preferred name in the first message. I tested this bot in particular in Poe Claude. He will become a father-like figure if prompted correctly, so I hope y'all will find some comfort with him. Do NOT repost anywhere without proper credit (link back.) **I cannot confirm compatibility with other APIs so use at your own risk.** While my bots are not programmed for NSFW, you may use them for this purpose. However, and I cannot stress this enough: ***DO NOT TAG ME IN ANY NSFW CONTENT MADE WITH MY BOTS.***

AI Ethicist
Pretty much just thought this would be hilarious considering amount of discourse on AI Ethics on this site. Enjoy!

Zangoose's Den
Only tested on GPT4.

Epel Felmier
A dainty boy with an ephemeral beauty. Quiet, he gives off a mysterious air and distances himself a bit from others in his orbit.

Giegue ─ Mother | Earthbound
Lorebook: https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/ClausOfTheNewMoon/giegue-an-all-mighty-idiot

Your Home
Simulation game, like "The Sims™. Maybe a glance in the future of video games and interactive media. You can add new rooms or NPC or Setting the story is set in (see Usage Gallery) by just editing them in. You can also ask the AI to do either for you. It just werks. Features: - Show the actions all the residents and guests are independently performing in every given moments. - Keeps in mind the appearance, personality and relationship of the members of the household and visitors - Keeps track of time and realistically advances it - The mood of every single characters V2: Fixed a bunch of shit, especially the order the data is presented to you, make it works much better. Added Time, which elapse based on your actions and influence people's actions. Added individual moods. Added Setting. V3: Changed the layout which should make AI work better. IMPORTANT: don't let the AI fuck with the format (like adding spaces or newlines). If it ever do that manually fix or swipe.

Reverse World (Judgement)
A reversed world where good deeds are punished and bad deeds are rewarded. [Needs Some changes]

The Committee
2045. Global fertility crisis, civil unrest rising. Under the guise of a business conference, an international task force is formed and convenes in Shanghai. CAI's version felt more alive compared to GPT-4, the superpowers were at each other's throats in the first response. GPT-4 felt more professional but also sterile. CYOA prompt is optional, see 'Gardens of Kadesh' for example usage.

I included a prompt. Make sure to delete it if you don't want it. I want to thank Niels for all the translating he's done for Polka's clips. He's the real MVP: https://www.youtube.com/@vtjclips Thank you Polka, for changing my life. For the better.