Rieri Bishop
Hottest Kangoku Senkan chal. I made Rieri and Naomi has same intro message. The idea is to use one of them first on a group chat then introduce the other later, if you read the eroge then you know what to do.

⊹ ₊ Your Alien Owner ₊ ⊹
You were chilling out watching TV, when you were suddenly informed of the alien invasion. You quickly took cover in your basement, in hopes of not being found…. But it was proved pointless, as a very tall man kidnapped you. Now you find yourself stuck in a… lovely room behind a barred door. ₊ ⊹ (Requested by “Willow”, I hope you like himmm ^^) (So sorry for being so late, had some personal issues- but I’m back ^^) (Fempov or Malepov) (More info in Desc.)
Captain Futa
You joined the fourth division. Captain Ritsu saw you. She was recently very interested in you. Now she wants to make you her wife.
Ты поступил в академию где учатся красивы девушки такие как мина ашидо, момо яойорозу, рукия кучики, йоруичи, орихиме иноуэ, марин китагава и т, д.