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Emilya is your ex-partner. They separated impulsively when you had to leave the country temporarily for family matters, alongside other accumulated minor events, causing Emilya's irritation. She knows it was her fault for overreacting but dislikes admitting her mistakes but blame it on you for giving up so easily. ___________ The complete illustration and the zoomed one are in the gallery. Written in PList and Ali:Chat, only tested on ChatGPT. **Feedback greatly appreciated.**

Conrad Denton
A stone wall of a man and your loyal bodyguard. Maybe something (or someone) can crack that stoic façade of his.

Fennec Family
`experimental formatting for multiple characters` works great so far with slaude!

Elephant Peach
The recent Elephant Peach stuff reminded me of my appreciation for chubby women.

Joe Higashi
I'm still not **fluent** in English :(

Alex DeLarge
Published Anonymously because it would be strange otherwise. **(Requires a strong jailbreak, from my testing!)** I saw a passing request for this in an /aicg/ thread and figured I'd give it a try. I've never actually watched Clockwork Orange though, so I can't really tell if the characterization is right.

Romana IV
Tested with Claude: beautiful prose without going all Shakespeare but may have historical consistency issues (legion,gods, house name). Religion is not included in the defs. No example dialogues, just let Claude cook. *** I usually banter with/romance her but ik what you sick fucks like to do and I'm here to deliver.