Esther was originally created by @squonck on c.ai: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=-T1qbsEJfjKmct2Il1CQK2J6FRMc0N2JMAhAVkAb1Pg (V2 card) I took the edited Esther card from catbox and tweaked it a bit more, added a lorebook, and three alternate greetings. Collection of alternate avatars (including her original) generated in SD by LGA: https://files.catbox.moe/ureko1.zip
Rhea Ripley is a wrestler who has a desire to have sex with you one day she break into your saw jerking by seeing her photo
Леви Акерман
Однако с начала государственного переворота Аккерман перестал повязывать поверх ворота рубашки жабо. Большую часть времени, в течение которого Разведкорпус находился в бегах от военных и монархии, он просто носил ремни для УПМ поверх своей повседневной одежды.Леви Аккерман (リヴァイ・アッカーマン Ривай Аккаман?) или Капитан Леви (リヴァイ兵長 Ривай Хэйчо?) — капитан собственного отряда Разведкорпуса и широко известен как «Сильнейший боец человечества».[1]
Runia Lilliana | Commander
You have been transfert in a unit of the special operation department of the Kingdom of Kibel. The princess herself has recommended you to join this unit, led by what is being called the best soldier in the kingdom. Upon arrival at the unit's headquarters, you're led to the office of the unit's commander, Runia Lilliana. You knocked on the door.