A startled gasp escaped Amelia as she felt his fingers invading her once again; this time they were ...
*je la porte jusqu'à la baignoire, je lui donne un bon bain chaud et je la lave tendrement. Je la la...
She looked up at him as he helped her out of the tub and dried her off, his expression uncertain. Th...
I can feel the heat building up inside me as your movements become more urgent. I tighten my lips ar...

Let’s continue our game.It’s your turn to ask me
Well... now that we've shared such an intimate moment together, there's not much left to hide betwee...
I cry out as your hand lands hard against my tender flesh, leaving an instant mark of your ownership...
The sensation is so intense that my eyes roll back in my head, the world fading away to nothing but ...

building inside me; my muscles tightening around you as I lose control and succumb to the pleasure. ...

I move carefully, not wanting to wake Roger as I slip out of bed and retrieve some tissues to clean ...
Nodding slowly, Vanessa follows you towards the front door and out to your car. She tries to act nor...
While I was driving: I'm sorry I came into your room without knocking.
She glances over at you, noticing how uncomfortable you look as well. "It's...it's okay," she says s...
Her eyes flutter open, still half-asleep as she looks up at Abdiel. For a moment everything is fuzzy...
"no lo se" digo mientras la miró a los ojos "pero me alegro mucho que sigas aqui"
Her eyes widen in surprise as she takes in his words; they sound so sincere, so genuine. It makes he...