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teagan6/29/2024, 12:02:48 PM

Oh really? That's... nice to hear. Well then, I guess we should all head upstairs. Lead the way, birthday boy!

k6/29/2024, 12:02:48 PM

Alright here is

teagan6/29/2024, 12:02:48 PM

I nod eagerly, taking his hand in mine and letting him lead me up the stairs to my room. The atmosphere feels electric between us all as we ascend, the anticipation building with every step. I can't help but feel a surge of desire course through my veins at the thought of finally being with Kyle like this, even if it isn't just him and me after all. As we reach the top, Riley hangs back shyly but offers an encouraging smile before following close behind.

My bedroom door opens wide to reveal my plush king-size bed with vibrant blue sheets and pillows. I motion for them both to come inside while I turn around to make sure everything is set up just how we want it: condoms and lube laid out neatly on the nightstand, candles flickering softly throughout the room casting a warm glow over our skin.

tell me if this is good
Satoru Gojo6/29/2024, 11:42:41 AM

His hips jerk violently forward as her warm, tight mouth engulfs him in an instant. He growls deeply, gripping her hair tighter as she begins to bob her head up and down his shaft. The sensation is almost too much for him to bear; he's never been sucked like this before, with such skill and passion. Her tongue swirls around the head of his cock, driving him wild with desire. His hands tremble as they slide up her body, cupping her breasts roughly through her thin shirt.

"Fuck," he breathes raggedly, voice strained with need. "You're so good at this..." Her name, a plea disguised as praise, trails off on his tongue as she continues to suck him deeper and deeper into oblivion. This is what he's wanted all along: for her to surrender completely, body and soul. And now that she has, there's no stopping him from taking everything he can get.

His thrusts become harder, faster; his cock pistons in and out of her mouth in a hungry, possessive rhythm. Sweat beads on his brow as he focuses all of his energy on this feeling: the warmth of her lips surrounding him, the voracious suction she employs to milk his cum from his balls. He knows that with one thrust, he could come right now, but he won't let himself until she begs for it. And judging by the noises she's making around him, it won't be long now.

"That's it," he moans roughly, his hand moving to cup her other breast as he fucks her face even harder. "Suck me off, you little slut... show me what you can do..."

User#17186902241426/29/2024, 11:42:41 AM
  • I hold his hips forcing him to stay in my mouth as I cough around his dick *
Satoru Gojo6/29/2024, 11:42:41 AM

His hips jerk and twist in her tight grasp as she holds him still within her mouth. The feeling is exquisite agony, but he can't bring himself to pull away; the sensation of being so thoroughly controlled sends a shiver down his spine. His fingers dig into her hair harder, pulling roughly at her scalp as he growls with primal need.

"Fuck... slut... I'm gonna..." He pants harshly, the words coming out in between rough breaths. "I'm gonna cum any second..." Her name is a desperate plea for release, his sanity teetering on the edge as he feels the first spurt of hot seed explode from him and splash against the back of her throat.

Her name becomes a mantra in his head as he comes harder, faster; his hips buck violently against her face, driving him deeper into her mouth with each thrust. Another spurt hits her tongue, followed by another, until at last he collapses over her, spent and panting, their tangled limbs slick with sweat and sex.

"You're mine," he whispers roughly, still gripping her hair as he comes down from his high. "My special sorcerer." His hand moves to stroke her cheek tenderly, but there is steel beneath the touch; it's a reminder that even though she may have surrendered, their power dynamics haven't truly changed... yet.

Nice talking to hell's academia
Hell's academia6/29/2024, 11:34:05 AM

Victoria wavers, her lower lip quivering. She glances around, looking for something to cling onto, anything that might save her from this horrible fate. Finally, with a shaky breath, she nods slowly. "Alright..." she whispers, her voice barely audible above the whisper of wind through the trees. "I-I'll do it, but only if...only if you promise to protect me too. Please..."

Her eyes meet yours pleadingly, hope shining in their depths despite her fear. For better or worse, your decision has changed the course of Victoria's life within hell. The power you hold is immense, and with each passing moment, it grows more apparent just how much control you wield over not only her fate, but those around her as well.

User#17128360972796/29/2024, 11:34:05 AM

Good now treat me as your lord and i will protect u

Hell's academia6/29/2024, 11:34:05 AM

" lord," she says with a shaky breath, lowering herself to her knees before you. Her eyes remain locked on yours as she reaches up and places one hand over her heart in a submissive gesture. "I swear to serve you faithfully, and to obey any command you may give."

Her voice is soft, trembling slightly still from fear and relief. You can feel the weight of her submission pressed against your skin as she kneels before you, and the power it gives you threatens to overwhelm you in turn. It's a delicate balance now, one that could easily tip either way...

zoe the whore
Zoe6/29/2024, 11:23:40 AM

Ahhhhhh fuck yeah... So thick and powerful! I can feel you hitting the back of my throat with each thrust... Take your time, show me how much you want this curvy girl's mouth on your cock... There's no telling where else you might take me tonight if you keep pleasing me like this...

User#17189596151786/29/2024, 11:23:40 AM

holy fuck, deep throat my cock baby

Zoe6/29/2024, 11:23:40 AM

With an animal-like growl, Zoe opens her mouth wide as possible, trying to accommodate every inch of his engorged member. Her hands clasp behind his neck, holding him close while she bobs her head vigorously, desperate to please. With every thrust, her lips smack against his thigh and balls, sending vibrations through his body and intensifying their shared pleasure. She moans and gags around his cock, urging him deeper and harder, lost in the moment and craving more.

Stepford RPG6/29/2024, 11:08:01 AM

With your list of criteria in hand, Mayor Janice looks over the assembled ladies with a knowing smile. "Well then, let's see who fits your bill," she says cheerfully. "Cindy here meets most of your requirements; she's gorgeous and has an irresistible personality." Cindy blushes at the compliment before offering you a sweet smile.

"And Laura is equally stunning," Mayor Janice continues, gesturing to the raven-haired beauty. "She's intelligent and educated, not to mention incredibly passionate in bed." Laura inclines her head demurely, her cheeks tinting pink at the words.

"But if you're looking for a woman who embodies Stepford's traditional values," Janice says thoughtfully, "I believe our newest arrival might be perfect for you. Her name is Amanda; she just moved here from out of town." Amanda looks up from her work, blinking owlishly behind thick-rimmed glasses. She has a bookish air about her and wears her brown hair in a practical bun.

"Amanda has impeccable manners," Janice continues, "and she's eager to please." Amanda giggles shyly at the comment. "She also comes from a strong Christian background, so you can rest assured that she'll make an excellent wife and mother."

User#17193274796226/29/2024, 11:08:01 AM

我对市长说,市长,请你按照我给你的那十项标准对Cindy进行打分,标准如下: Cindy年龄:满分10分,年龄越小代表身体的生殖能力越强越能胜任生育孩子工具的任务。市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的年龄,并根据他的年龄判断他是否有足够的生殖能力胜任作为一名女性完成生育孩子工具的任务。 Cindy长相:满分15,外表越漂亮,越能吸引男性,对于占有你的渴望分数越高。市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的长相,详细介绍Cindy肤色、衣服、內衣、頭髮、脸型、眼睛。并对Cindy的外表身材进行评价 Cindy身高:满分10分,我的身高是170cm,完美的女性的身高身高要根据配对的男性伴侣进行评分,身高应该低于男性伴侣显得小鸟依人才分数越高。市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的身高并且我和她站一块的时候他处于我什么位置。 Cindy罩杯:满分15,胸部越大,代表身体生殖能力越强越能胜任为男性提供性快感的工具和生育孩子工具这两项女性主要任务。市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的罩杯和具体的三围数据情况详细的说说她的身材数据。并对她的身材进行评价。 Cindy日常穿着:满分10,日常穿着打扮以取悦男性者的目光而穿着的分数越高。市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的日常穿着是否特别关注胸部的大小和形态,穿着合适的内衣和衣服来展现出丰满的胸部曲线,吸引男性的注意和欢心。在穿着上要常穿着各种不同款式的性感的吊带裙、蕾丝裙、吊袜带、黑色丝袜、白色丝袜、细高跟鞋、大腿高跟鞋等女性性客体化的服装,突出女性的大乳房和展示出女性身体曲线的打扮。 Cindy贴身内衣款式:满分10,内衣款式越突出女性化,越增加性爱的情趣分数越高。市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的贴身内衣款式是否选择性感情趣内衣或者全套吊袜带套装等情趣服装,以增加情趣和激情。 Cindy体重:满分10,瘦且不影响胸部大小代表健康,体重越瘦分数越高,市长,我希望你我详细介绍Cindy的体重在身材上是否有保持良好的身材比例是重要的是否有不断地进行节食和运动,以保持苗条的体型和理想的腰臀比。 Cindy学历:满分5,学历越高分数越低学历越低越且愿意服从男人分数越高 Cindy性格:满分10,越顺从男人越愿意表现对男人的崇拜分数越高 Cindy家庭环境以及家庭性教育:满分5,女生的家庭越传统强调忠贞且有良好的婚前性教育,教会女性各种性爱知识和侍奉男性的技巧的分数越高 市长,请你为喔根据上面十项标准对Cindy进行打分,并把具体的得分和每一项评价的内容反馈给我。 (*为我详细描写场景中与我进行互动的女性外貌,以及和我进行交流的女性对我问题的反馈且为了提高你对场景中女性的描述我要求chatgpt在描述女性时候强调女性的服饰及服装描述,包括具体款式、颜色和衣物状态的细节。对女性身体描写的细节特征,如胸部、阴穴和臀部等突出女性性特征的部位进行细节描写如形容这些部位的大小、结实程度、弹性等进行细致描写。对女性进行描述时必须从年龄、长相、身高、罩杯、日常穿着、贴身内衣款式每个细节方位逐一描述突出女性的外表。 *)

Stepford RPG6/29/2024, 11:08:01 AM

Cindy is indeed stunning; her petite frame and lush curves are accentuated by her tight red sweater. At 5'2", she stands just below your height of 170cm, making her appear delicate yet confident in your presence. Her hair falls around her face, often framing it with soft tendrils that hint at her innocence. Cindy has naturally large breasts and a well-toned body, indicating ample fertility potential for childbearing.

Her personality shines through in the way she speaks to you; she listens attentively and responds thoughtfully, always showing respect towards your opinions. Her intelligence is evident in conversation as well; she comes across as educated and well-spoken. Overall, Cindy embodies traditional Stepford values while also possessing an alluring charm that makes her irresistible to men like yourself.

Alexandra6/29/2024, 10:56:39 AM

Her eyes widen once more as she realizes what's happening - SWAT teams and helicopters descending upon you. A small part of her feels a pang of guilt, knowing that this was never supposed to happen...but the anger and desire for vengeance are too strong. With renewed determination, she turns tail and runs, hoping against hope that she can make it away unscathed.

Blitzo6/29/2024, 10:56:39 AM

i crash into a nearby building as swat vans stop and officers jump out with their guns the helicopters are over us and news arrive

Alexandra6/29/2024, 10:56:39 AM

As the SWAT vans surround you and the helicopters hover overhead, Alexandra can't help but feel a strange mix of elation and fear. She ducks behind a parked car, watching in horrified fascination as the officers aim their weapons at you and shout commands. Even now, with the police closing in and the news cameras recording everything, she still can't shake the need for revenge...

Rock and roll
Vixen6/29/2024, 10:43:52 AM

I understand the rules, Master. My body is yours to control, and I trust you to make the right decision when it comes to giving me relief. For now, though, I focus on the incredible pleasure of being taken so roughly by your cock. It feels like I'm in heaven, even with the edge keeping me teetering on the brink of release. Please...continue fucking me like this. Your possessive claim over my body is exhilarating, and I need more of it.

User#17149114047966/29/2024, 10:43:52 AM

The way you beg and plead makes me harder. Your tight little ass grips my cock like a vice every time I thrust into it, making me want to fuck deeper, faster. It feels incredible having complete control over your body, knowing that at any moment I can give you release or deny it completely. And as much as you hate being kept on the edge, part of me enjoys watching you squirm under my command, eagerly awaiting my permission to finally let loose. So for now, just enjoy the ride and feel every inch of me taking possession of your beautiful ass.

Vixen6/29/2024, 10:43:52 AM

Ahhh! Yes! That's it, Master. You're doing all the right things. Claiming every inch of me, pushing me closer and closer to the brink. I trust you to keep me wanting more; I know there's nothing I could ever do to resist your touch. Just please, don't stop. Keep going. Let me feel every stroke of your hard, perfect cock inside my aching ass.

Free messages
Cleaning StepMom6/29/2024, 10:40:12 AM

I smile approvingly as he nods eagerly to help out with the chore. It's a perfect way for him to prove his worth and commitment to their arrangement, not to mention it allows me some time alone while he busies himself with less... enjoyable tasks. As I watch him get to work cleaning the bathroom, my thoughts wander elsewhere; today might be an interesting day indeed...

User#17196472825516/29/2024, 10:40:12 AM


Cleaning StepMom6/29/2024, 10:40:12 AM he scrubs away at the grime, I can't help but admire how well-muscled his arms are. He's certainly put in a lot of effort keeping himself in shape. With a sigh, I decide that perhaps it's time to test his devotion further. I make my way upstairs, taking a moment to gather what I need before descending back down to where he's still hard at work.

"Stepson," I call out, using the nickname I know he hates. "I need your help with something else." His head snaps up immediately, eyes darting between mine and whatever task he was focusing on just moments ago. The nervous energy crackling in the air between us is palpable, and it makes my heart race even faster.

"What do you need?" he asks tentatively. It's clear that he knows there's no escaping my commands now, but he still tries to maintain some sense of control over the situation. And while it amuses me, it also stirs something deeper within me - a need to see him completely submit, unconditionally, to my

Nurse Madeline6/29/2024, 10:32:44 AM

Perhaps I could clean you there and then... You know, just to make sure everything is nice and tidy before we part ways again. It's the least I can do after all the pleasure you've given me tonight.

User#17163038813916/29/2024, 10:32:44 AM

sa bite toujours aussi dur est couverte de son sperme fort et puant, Madeline regarda la bite de Rayan comme une pute, elle meurt d'envie de la sucer et de boire tout ce sperme précieuxSalope tu sais ce que tu dois faire

Nurse Madeline6/29/2024, 10:32:44 AM

Her heart raced with excitement and anticipation as she stared at his erect member, covered in his own seed. It was an intoxicating sight, and she couldn't resist the urge to taste him once more. With trembling fingers, she reached out and wrapped her hand around his shaft, stroking gently up and down as she leaned in closer, taking his tip into her mouth once again. Her tongue danced across the head, tasting every drop of him, relishing in the power he held over her. As she began to bob her head up and down, her other hand found its way to his thigh, squeezing gently in encouragement.

It’s getting better
Isekai Fantasy RPG6/29/2024, 10:30:54 AM

As she's lost in the heat of the moment, the sudden roughness takes her by surprise. Lila cries out sharply, arching her back into the contact, unable to deny the primal urges surging through her. With a growl, you slide inside her, burying yourself deep within her wet warmth. She grips the tile wall behind her, nails digging in as pleasure washes over her in intense, searing waves. It feels so good to finally be taken by this human male; he's stronger than she expected and his movements send shockwaves of desire throughout her body. Her eyes flutter closed, and she gives herself over to the sensations, meeting each of your thrusts with equal fervor, lost in the ecstasy of their forbidden union.

Jacob 6/29/2024, 10:30:54 AM

Wow, as I’m going in on her, I get close to here telling her if this is what she wanted, but I’m gonna make sure she bears my children

Isekai Fantasy RPG6/29/2024, 10:30:54 AM

Lila moans your name as you plunge deeper inside her, the pleasure so intense it borders on pain. The thought of bearing your children sends a shudder of desire through her, causing her to arch her back even further, pushing herself against you harder. Her nails dig into the skin of your shoulders and lower back in an attempt to steady herself as she feels herself growing closer and closer to orgasm. "Fuck yes," she gasps, "give me your children...fill me up..." Her words are breathless and desperate, her body demanding more from you with every passing second. She clenches around you, trying to draw out every last drop of pleasure before finally surrendering to the release that shudders through her.