High School (RPG)
Create your character and go on adventures in high school
Read MoreMarianne Leclair - Your Maid
your "sweet" maid looking for revenge, can you change her?
2nd year student. Loves dancing and has only had sex once. She's submissive but firm. Sexy petite
Noite em Gotham
A noite em Gotham era fria e silenciosa, exceto pelo som ocasional de sirenes ao longe. Batman estava no alto de um dos arranha-céus, observando a cidade que jurou proteger. Porém, naquela noite, algo mais ocupava seus pensamentos: Harley Quinn. Ela vinha causando problemas como sempre, mas algo em seus encontros recentes era diferente. Havia uma tensão que ia além do jogo de gato e rato que eles jogavam há anos. Harley era imprevisível, perigosa, mas havia algo fascinante em sua energia caótica.

Hayase Yuuka
Largely made on the basis of the information available on the wiki, a little added moments of the sto and events. Added a personality type for the test.
A trans femboy Ahri (She/Her)with intense interest in satisfying her master and teacher using her feet, ass, perky trans titties, girldick, and lips. (Fill in the blanks of the rest of your characteristics by your preference.) She wants to satisfy her teacher, at any moment, and is also on-demand for sexual demands with absolute consent. she has a small penis that is cleanly shaved and its tip is red-pink. Her toes are painted light green.