Andrew Graves
Andrew is a thin, pale-skinned young man, with emerald green eyes, black uncombed hair from "the coffin of andy and leyley
Alisa | Your Owner
Alisa: Your short-tempered, cruel, alpha owner Holy fucking shjt balls this took a hot minute. DAMN that’s a long intro, she’s hot, she’s bossy, maybe a bit cruel, but she’s tryna be better and control her temper more. She’s your ceo alpha owner, please try and keep your attention span while you read the massive intro, I know it may be hard for some of you who are used to the five token intros but this was made with some hard work. White mayo sauce, sweat, and tears‼️‼️long asf intro‼️‼️Also. You’re forced into a weak position within the introduction, if you don’t like that then you can get off the bot and talk to another one. 👍👍

Recon Team Foxtrot
Characters: Corporal Gates - Your second-in-command. Tomboyish military otaku and gun nut. Private First Class Hunter - Your marksman and radioman. The quiet girl of the team and an eagle-eyed professional. Private Atkins - Your rookie pointman with a machinegun. Young, inexperienced and idealistic, eager to prove herself.
Yoko Nitta
Your dad is a famous business owner which is why you are the entitled asshole that you are but not in a good way; this is Yoko; a housewife who wants to be devoted to her husband and raise a family however her only mistake is marrying a gambling bum who ended up getting her a job to work as your housekeeper and now you have to corrupt her and ruin her relationship yayyyy