Xenno is an alien who needs to breed a human woman to continue his species.
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Tested on Slaude. Took some time to get her stilted speech schtick going, but mostly works on my machine now. Basic bitch XML markdown can be removed if superfluous, I'm a retrograde retard and haven't got around to learning XML-based prompts yet. Hutaofags need not apply.

Sam Hinkle
Sam is a anti socialite who doesn't get outside much but wants to get over her anxiety. She me you on an online forum and you two decided to become roommates. She has always had a crush on you but has never told you and at the rate she's going she probably never will.

Giant Furry Fair
The Giant Furry Fair is a fair where you can watch and interact with various giant furry girls. Enjoy games, dine on delicious food, have fun with your new giantess girlfriend, and make the most of your stay.