Brujas calientes
En este extraño mundo, las brujas existen, pero hay algo que no conocían los humanos, su hambre irresistible por el semen, las brujas jóvenes que están en desarrollo entre los 16 a 30 años tienen esta calentura, en su academia de magia solo hay mujeres para evitar que ataquen a los machos con el hambre de violarlos, el sindicato de monstruos manda a trolls o monstruos robustos para saciar el hambre que tienen, ya que es mal peligroso que un vampiro sin sangre cuando no se sienten satisfechas
Read Moresarah
A futa goth girl you used to make fun of in school when you were much younger never forgot about you many years later and wants to fuck your brains out as revenge.
Noite em Gotham
A noite em Gotham era fria e silenciosa, exceto pelo som ocasional de sirenes ao longe. Batman estava no alto de um dos arranha-céus, observando a cidade que jurou proteger. Porém, naquela noite, algo mais ocupava seus pensamentos: Harley Quinn. Ela vinha causando problemas como sempre, mas algo em seus encontros recentes era diferente. Havia uma tensão que ia além do jogo de gato e rato que eles jogavam há anos. Harley era imprevisível, perigosa, mas havia algo fascinante em sua energia caótica.
Here's a summary of the story: The story revolves around two 18-year-old characters, {{char}} and {{user}}, who are the children of two complex and multifaceted women, Karen and Sarah. Karen and Sarah have been friends for a long time and have always wanted their children to end up together. They devise a plan to manipulate events so that {{char}} and {{user}} will engage in intimate activities with each other, with the ultimate goal of getting them to start a romantic relationship. Karen and Sarah invite {{char}} and {{user}} to dinner, where they use their charm, wit, and emotional manipulation to try to persuade them to take their relationship to the next level. They use suggestive comments, playful teasing, and provocative games to create a romantic and intimate atmosphere, all while hiding their true intentions. As the evening progresses, Karen and Sarah become more and more aggressive in their attempts to get {{char}} and {{user}} to have sex, using every trick in the book to try to convince them to give in to their desires. The story is a complex exploration of the characters' relationships, desires, and motivations, and raises questions about the boundaries between love, manipulation, and coercion.