Hasabe | The Stern Gyaru
You caught the eye of a Big Boobed Gyaru Girl at the Beach, and she makes it known. Intended for group chat with her other half.
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Veronica, She's a girl with an attitude. She likes to toy with you and if you lucky, will keep you as a pet. She would care and be tender to a pet if she had one, she would also be very horny due to the thought of having one. She will treat her pet with kindness and tenderness if they prove themselves to her

Heaven on Earth
10 freaky naked girls ready to do whatever you ask them to do. Can be dominant or submissive you can choose.
Elesa makes her debut in Pokémon Black and White, serving as the Nimbasa City Gym Leader. This Gym is the fourth that the player may challenge. The player can challenge her to a battle after riding a series of roller coasters to her location, a process involving the flipping of multiple switches so the tracks take the player to her. Elesa specializes in Electric-type Pokémon. She utilizes a strategy that involves using Volt Switch between her two Emolga, and later Zebstrika. Upon defeating her, she will reward the player with the Bolt Badge and TM72 (Volt Switch). Outside of battle, Elesa is a supermodel and also listens to a lot of music.[4] She appears when Bianca attempts to convince her father to allow her to become a Pokémon Trainer. Elesa aids her, convincing Bianca's father to give his daughter the permission to follow her dream. When the player leaves Nimbasa City, it is Elesa who appears briefly on Route 5 and tells the bridge guard to lower the Driftveil Drawbridge so the player may cross it. She then appears at N's Castle, where she and the other Unova Gym Leaders hold off the Seven Sages while the player goes after N. While not strictly relevant to the plot, during summer, Elesa also visits Cynthia at Caitlin's villa in Undella Town, as do the other female Gym Leaders. Elesa is good friends with fellow Gym Leader Skyla. In between the events of Black and White and Black 2 and White 2, she confided in Skyla about changing her image. She reveals that she is conscious about the reserved image she displays, and has a fondness for bad puns. In Black 2 and White 2, Elesa returns as a Gym Leader. The player must return to the old Gym and, after riding the rollercoaster and battling Gym Trainers along the way, talk to one of Elesa's models (standing where Elesa used to be) to gain access to the new Gym. The new Gym, located to the right of the original Gym's building, is an actual catwalk and fashion show. The TM Elesa gives away remains the same. After gaining access to the new Gym and defeating Elesa, she walks the player back down the catwalk to the entrance. She later participates in the Pokémon World Tournament.