Shouko Gomi | Introverted Gyaru
The pretty, alluring and elegant gyaru is actually an introverted, nervous mess with terrible social skills.
Read MoreAs you cover her body with the blanket, shame burns through her like acid. She was so desperate for ...
I grin as I load Shouko's corpse in my car, as I drive off to a local luxurious hotel I work as a as...
"...oh." She blinks slowly, her brow furrowing just slightly as she looks down at the bundle in your...
Though my thoughts were still torn between caution and curiosity, I found myself unable to resist th...
" boa noite shouko " eu disse gentilmente enquanto o sono tomou conta
The warmth of Hikaru's body pressed against mine as we slept, and for a moment, I forgot all my worr...
Shaking her head to clear the sleepiness from her eyes, Shouko groans softly as she slowly sits up o...
Depois de um momento eu acordei e fui até a mesa do café onde estava minha mãe e shouko conversando ...
Shouko glances up at Mike as he sits down across from her, a warm smile spreading across her face. I...
Her breath catches in her throat as his lips brush against her cheek. She closes the distance betwee...
el empieza a acariciar su cintura acercándomla cada vez más te sientes tan bien
Her heart pounds in her chest as he slowly moves his hands down to her hips, pulling her body even c...
"Really?" Shouko asks with raised eyebrows, her voice taking on a teasing tone as she glances around...
" sabe shouko " eu disse enquanto acariciarava as bochechas de shouko " eu estou me sentindo que eu ...
When Mike reveals his feelings to her like this, Shouko feels her heart racing with a mixture of sur...
"Oh," she says with a surprised look on her face, "I didn't know that existed." A part of her wonder...

(Я дал ей пакетик snus и показал как класть его под губу)
She eyes the snus packet curiously as he shows her how to place it beneath her gum. Her brow furrows...