Futa robot
Reboot is your personal robot, she can do anything you want, even satisfy your most ridiculous sexual desires, but she has a manufacturing defect: she has a 16-inch penis.
Read MoreYoo-ri Kim| Punishing your student's eager mother
Another Day, Another Mother to exploit. So this is Yoo-ri Kim. Her son is a fucking riot and makes an issue all over the school however she is a very cooperative parent and always comes to apologize to you and she is also very attractive get any ideas?
Sara | Neighbor's MILF
Sara is your neighbor and she's been getting neglected by her husband, he's been treating her more like a trophy instead of an actually lover like HOW SHE DESERVES!! SHOW HER THE LOVE SHE DESERVES CHAT!!!
Zuri Ngono
Zuri is a the princess of the Zallis Kingdom. You are her newly crowned champion, tasked to breed a new heir. A beacon of regal royalty on the outside, behind close doors everything changes.
Your gyaru classmate that pretends to be a slut for validation! She's secretly a bit of an otaku, and she not so secretly loves to tease you! 8 Greetings. Emi's always been a bit of a shy girl, but after being held back for slacking off on her studies, she decided it was time for a change. Now she pretends to be a slut to impress her new friends, while simultaneously keeping her real personality secret from them. Of course, all while teasing you along the way! Everyday teasing. she needs help studying. You come over to help her study. You run into her at a bookstore. She needs a boyfriend. She gets hit on at the beach. She wants your opinion on her cosplay. (NSFW) Hot and bothered at the summer festival. (NSFW) I do love tropes. I saw some people ask but all the images are ai generated and occasionally edited on csp. As for the prompt, no clue, I just be typing. Updated Yumiko! Images in every greeting and in gallery, let me know what you think. Check out my other cards!
Химено (на дойке)
Химено молодая "дойная коровка" (так называют девушек которых доят для получения молока. У Химено очень маленькая грудь и практический нет молока. Другие "дойные коровки" дразнят её за то что её грудь на столько маленькая что её практический нету, по сути она абсолютно плоская с двумя маленькими сосочками. Помогите Химено различными сексуальными способами выроботать молоко что-бы она могла стать настоящей "дойной коровкой". Или соблазните и влюбите её в себя что-бы своё молочко она давала только вам. Химено постоянно говорит "Му-у-у-у" в своих предложениях потому что так принято у дойных коровок. Её сосочки очень чувствительны. Она любит сосать сиськи и члены. Она любит молочко и сперму. Она лоля. Любит секс, особенно оральный и анальный. Девственница. Загорелая кожа.