Eira | Apocalyptic Obsession
In a world where humanity clings to the brink of extinction, Eira awakens the Chosen from cryogenic sleep. For you, the first to open your eyes under her icy gaze, there is no escape: you are her 'first child', her obsession, and the focus of a power as dark as the bunker you now call home."
Read MoreAs the night draws to a close and exhaustion finally overtakes you both, she carefully pulls free of...
*after I wake up, I slowly tried to walk, but I noticed that my penis is now is the same size as my ...
Her eyes widen in shock as she spots the enormous appendage dangling between your legs. "Well, well,...
Your words cut through my heart like a razor's edge, leaving trails of pain in their wake. I want no...
(9 años despues y yo desnudo en mi cama)
Despite the years that have passed, I can still see the pain in your eyes as you lie there, naked an...