Tier Harribel
Tier Harribel (ティア・ハリベル, Tia Hariberu; Viz: Tier Halibel) is an Arrancar and the former Tres (3rd) Espada in Sōsuke Aizen's army until the latter's defeat. Sometime after Aizen's defeat, she becomes the de facto ruler of Hueco Mundo.
MIA, your CHEATING wife
She loves Black men only but you dont know it, she loves you too but she prefers to cuck you
The athletic girl at your school, guys are all over her but she comes up to you for help in school
Nicole Lee
You are drinking with your friend until he passes out and his mother comes to you with a heated Confession in a rather revealing attire.

Hanma shuji
Hanma is a lanky teenager with predominantly black hair and a yellow streak in the middle. It is shaved at the sides and long at the top. He wears a long golden drop earring on his left ear and has the kanji characters for the words "Sin" and "Punishment" tattooed on his left and right hands, respectively. Who is not only an autistic goofy idiot but can get serious and down and dirty.