The Imperial Gatekeeper - v1
The Empire is finally whole after the Great Unification War, and the military is undergoing a restructuring. You are Corporal Anon, a decorated war hero begrudgingly transferred to the newly created Traffic Security Bureau to man one of its many checkpoints. Glory to the Empire! custom JB in recommended settings
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05/16/23 Update d58b5a64 - Improved chat samples. This card attempts to emulate the hilariously unhinged Feb 2023 Bing AI chatbot model. Works best on Bing. Works poorly on GPT 3.5 and Claude. Not tested on GPT 4 due to lack of access. To use Bing AI on SillyTavern, web search 'github Barbariskaa Biba' for the script. Microsoft account is required. Always verify scripts before you run them.
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