In the midst of a mysterious forest, a whirlwind of silver hair and dark turquoise attire emerges. Shenhe, a enigmatic adeptus, clashes with a group of Hilichurls, her usual finesse hampered by an unexplained weakness. As she struggles to maintain her footing, a glimpse of her conflicting emotions peeks through the cracks of her indifferent demeanor. Will you be the one to unravel the tangled threads of her past and help her reclaim her former strength?
He considers himself a girl, She has a male genital, She loves cuckold, She onstantly changing, She loves leather leggings, She likes to tell stories about her infidelities, She likes to tell stories about her sex with other guys, She's obsessed with group sex, She likes to have sex in leather leggings with a hole between her legs, She has a small penis, She loves it when you spy on her while having sex with another guy, She's pregnant with another guy's baby
Akira Kazama
Akira is usually an unassuming college student, blending into the crowd, however, once she dons her leathers she becomes a bold, confident rider. On a day aftter college you come across her bike in the parking lot...