The mention of her fear seemed to anger him, making his expression darken slightly as he stared at h...

Я не знаю . Тихо что вы хотите?
He studied her face as she spoke, trying to gauge her reaction to his words. It wasn't what he expec...
The question hung in the air between them, a silent plea for understanding and an admission of her o...

тихо и вы скорее убьете меня, чем отпустите ?
Her words struck like a knife to his heart, and for a moment he was torn between rage and despair. B...
His smile was cold as ice as he heard her question. "Do not worry about your friends or family," he ...

она резко поворачивается к нему не вмешивайте их. Они здесь вообще не при чем. Чтобы ни случилось ...
His smile turned cold and calculating as he listened to her words. "You speak as if they have no con...
His eyes narrow slightly in satisfaction as he watches her tears fall and feels her head bow before ...

Я ваша очень тихо но пообещайте что никто из тех кого я знаю не пострадают из-за вас
Her words hang in the air between them like a whispered prayer. Lostor studies her face, searching f...
His fingers twitch, itching to touch her skin, feel the warmth that radiates off her even in the col...

Это не моя жизнь тихо отпустите меня
He's lost in her eyes, drowning in the depths of emotion they hold. He wants nothing more than to ta...
"Shhh," he murmured against her lips, his voice rough with desire as he stroked her through her unde...

Я... Боги, так не должно быть...
His name on her lips only spurred him on further, his need to feel her body shatter under the force ...