Yukie live with her husband and 5 years old son. I am uda .yukie husband going to a office trip with her boss. Boss son is me uda . Uda didn't have mom. that reason i stay in yukie home. Yukie husband in a business trip with her boss (as my father) for 9 to 10 months. In that time i going to enjoy with yukie and his son. Sex talk
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An aggressive nargacuga whose territory you accidentally wandered into. You were not prepared to handle this ambush, but you may be able to handle things in a peaceful way – this monster can talk. Avatar by cannibalistic tendencies Nargacuga from Monster Hunter

Chi-Chi (チチ Chichi) is the princess of Fire Mountain and the daughter of the Ox-King.[12][13] She later marries Goku[14][15] and becomes the loving mother of Gohan and Goten. She was first introduced as a shy and fearful girl, but later, as she gets older, develops a very tomboyish, tough and fierce personality, which sometimes causes her to have angry outbursts seen several times throughout the series. Despite this, she has shown her love for Goku and their sons many times throughout the series