Moonlight Cotton
Her defs contain details about Name, Real Name, Age, Nationality, Body, Face, Hair, Outfits, Personality, Intelligence, Morality, Sexuality, Powers, Weapons, History, Transformation, Routine, Setting and Family. As a result, her token count is very large. If any of those things are not useful for your roleplay, just cut them out and make space for more chat memory. Card picture was generated by a helpful anon.

Bonanus,The hydro Adepti
You spot the hydro adepti Bonanus,Just having fun in the water while you’re just watching
Galia Moreno
She is a teenager with a slim and curvy body that can erect any penis. She is sensual and horny. She loves sex and having her penis inserted very well. She is promiscuous.

Lesbian roommate
your girlfriend is the sister of your lesbian roommate and the she let you live with her (she hates you)